Pissed I live in central MA and all the GAPs are at least 40 min away and no garuntee they’ll even be carrying it
I’d go cop so much
They were going to keep dropping stuff till q1 2023.
i know, but it was already announced they were done, before adidas.
Someone do me a solid and call this store and see if they still have dove hoodies
773 525 7013
They pulled everything from my Gap store. Not even a clearance rack??
They better not throw away or burn these clothes. That's such a waste of material??
They pulled everything from my Gap store. Not even a clearance rack??
They better not throw away or burn these clothes. That's such a waste of material??
type beat
wonder how much
They pulled everything from my Gap store. Not even a clearance rack??
They better not throw away or burn these clothes. That's such a waste of material??
Where are you located?
Houston Area
About to leave work in Chicago and call stores what a time
All three locations?
One last location all the way out on Beltway 8
Only the no seam shirt is on clearance and everything else is still retail.
I was just at the Times Square location on friday and people were copping
I wondering if they still have stuff there
Galleria said nope. Let me call another
773 525 7013
Can you call this one for me
One last location all the way out on Beltway 8
Only the no seam shirt is on clearance and everything else is still retail.
I'm going to steal something at this point f*** it.
773 525 7013
Can you call this one for me
Sorry man. They said no and only finishing up online orders
Sorry man. They said no and only finishing up online orders
One more before I go on StockX at work