miami gap
damm, it's the donda cover
My perfect hoodie hasnt been shipped
I really feel like they are going to cancel it
My perfect hoodie hasnt been shipped
I really feel like they are going to cancel it
takin stuff off shelves is one thing, i doubt Gap is gonna mass refund hundreds of orders
takin stuff off shelves is one thing, i doubt Gap is gonna mass refund hundreds of orders
Fingers crossed they go ahead and send it all out, definitely would be dumb for them to cancel all the orders and lose out on money in their pockets
Those hoodies are just so damn comfy, I need 1 more lol
I didn’t even realize they sold the Yeezy stuff in stores
I thought that was the whole reason he was mad
Aside from them not building stores
when they last time yall was trippin bout/thinking about Gap before Kanye touched it.