hes better than all 3 combined
remember when you got banned for that thread title
Off topic but what does an American accent sound like to Europeans? I don’t mean the southern accents either I’m referring to regular American speak
It still depends, we’re well aware that there’s a difference in the brash loud and frankly irritating Nee York accent and the yuppie Paris Hilton California accent.
But unlike Americans, at least we’re smart enough to know there are different American accents. I’ve met several American idiots who didn’t think there was a difference between South English, Welsh, North English and Scottish accents despite them being completely different places and countries even.
A lot of them had to even be told “Britain” is a group of countries and not just one whole country.
S***’s embarrassing, your education system is broken beyond compare.
…school shootings
Always thought using kids getting shot up as a gotcha was some weirdo s***
It still depends, we’re well aware that there’s a difference in the brash loud and frankly irritating Nee York accent and the yuppie Paris Hilton California accent.
But unlike Americans, at least we’re smart enough to know there are different American accents. I’ve met several American idiots who didn’t think there was a difference between South English, Welsh, North English and Scottish accents despite them being completely different places and countries even.
A lot of them had to even be told “Britain” is a group of countries and not just one whole country.
S***’s embarrassing, your education system is broken beyond compare.
Interesting. Our education system is awful and steadily eroding as we speak so expect it to only get worse
It still depends, we’re well aware that there’s a difference in the brash loud and frankly irritating Nee York accent and the yuppie Paris Hilton California accent.
But unlike Americans, at least we’re smart enough to know there are different American accents. I’ve met several American idiots who didn’t think there was a difference between South English, Welsh, North English and Scottish accents despite them being completely different places and countries even.
A lot of them had to even be told “Britain” is a group of countries and not just one whole country.
S***’s embarrassing, your education system is broken beyond compare.
theres ppl from any place in the world that wont know a certain thing
that doesnt conclude anything abt education systems on its own
i said im from venezuela & someone in the uk asked me 'where in mexico is that'
remember when you got banned for that thread title
i really wanted to say taht word again
Always thought using kids getting shot up as a gotcha was some weirdo s***
We think allowing anyone to buy guns from supermarkets and not changing an amendment in a constitution that was relevant 200 years ago despite an unprecedented slew of shootings across your country is weird.
But somehow American ignorance still finds a way.
Interesting. Our education system is awful and steadily eroding as we speak so expect it to only get worse
We know. A lot of non Americans have been worried about what the f*** you guys are doing over there since 2016.
We think allowing anyone to buy guns from supermarkets and not changing an amendment in a constitution that was relevant 200 years ago despite an unprecedented slew of shootings across your country is weird.
But somehow American ignorance still finds a way.
Ok but that shouldn’t be some type of joke or gotcha moment. It’s almost as if you don’t really care and you’re using the death of children to get one up in an ultimately harmless Internet argument
theres ppl from any place in the world that wont know a certain thing
that doesnt conclude anything abt education systems on its own
i said im from venezuela & someone in the uk asked me 'where in mexico is that'
This is all whataboutism.
You guys are the most advanced and dominating country of the past century and yet somehow your education is half way down the list of worldwide education.
You guys are currently getting beaten by countries like Taiwan, Vietnam and Slovenia. There’s no excuse and one ignorant person in the UK isn’t going to change the epidemic of ignorance in America right now.
americans: haha the way u say tuesday is funny
a weird british guy: haha your schools are target practice and you don’t have free healthcare
Ok but that shouldn’t be some type of joke or gotcha moment. It’s almost as if you don’t really care and you’re using the death of children to get one up in an ultimately harmless Internet argument
I never said I cared.
I said it was stupid and it IS stupid.
If you guys spent more time fixing your broken nation instead of trying to find things of make fun of other countries for then maybe other countries wouldn’t keep thinking of you guys as a third world country wearing a Gucci belt.
americans: haha the way u say tuesday is funny
a weird british guy: haha your schools are target practice and you don’t have free healthcare
Don’t play stupid games and not expect to win stupid prizes then.
You guys sure do like making fun of other countries until it’s your turn, huh?
This is all whataboutism.
You guys are the most advanced and dominating country of the past century and yet somehow your education is half way down the list of worldwide education.
You guys are currently getting beaten by countries like Taiwan, Vietnam and Slovenia. There’s no excuse and one ignorant person in the UK isn’t going to change the epidemic of ignorance in America right now.
'you guys' didnt u read the part of the post where i say im from venezuela lol
but yeah tragic whats happening in the US , my point was u need data like this and not just anecdotes cause ucan get anecdotes like that from any country
I never said I cared.
I said it was stupid and it IS stupid.
If you guys spent more time fixing your broken nation instead of trying to find things of make fun of other countries for then maybe other countries wouldn’t keep thinking of you guys as a third world country wearing a Gucci belt.
Every country has its problems. It’s just funny that you reach for kids dying in school shootings as a gotcha over someone making a crumpets joke.
People like you are what’s wrong with the world and why d*** eating a country is a problem
Don’t play stupid games and not expect to win stupid prizes then.
You guys sure do like making fun of other countries until it’s your turn, huh?
i’m british though so …..
'you guys' didnt u read the part of the post where i say im from venezuela lol
but yeah tragic whats happening in the US , my point was u need data like this and not just anecdotes cause ucan get anecdotes like that from any country
I always had data like this, I just didn’t think I would have to tell Americans how ignorant and uneducated they were, I figured they were more self aware of that.