What’s trolling about either, they both have a whole slew of evidence.
Damn, Venezuela struggling with their education as well huh?
no f***ing s*** theyre in a humanitarian crisis
no f***ing s*** theyre in a humanitarian crisis
I’m just glad this is a learning moment for you.
I’m just glad this is a learning moment for you.
i aint learn s*** from talking to your musty ass, go outside
i aint learn s*** from talking to your musty ass, go outside
That’s Mr. Musty Ass to you, little boy.
KSI unironically makes better music than this
Props to KSI for making good music
Once again, another American fallacy. British teeth are usually more looked after then the US (and most likely Venezuela) because they actually like their population and give them free healthcare.
Again, you’re definitely American. Caping harder then the other Yankeedoodles on here.
Give it a couple months until people start f***ing with this ironically on ktt and then inneviatvly they start f***ing with it like jaden smith terrible ass.
Once again, another American fallacy. British teeth are usually more looked after then the US (and most likely Venezuela) because they actually like their population and give them free healthcare.
Again, you’re definitely American. Caping harder then the other Yankeedoodles on here.
Hell yeah he AMERICAN. What's good nigga. Great red white and blue in the cut. Didn't y'all lose the war against us
Well aware of that but 1, we wouldn’t be doing anything with KSA unless America didn’t set it up and 2, at this point the UK (and Australia) are roped into a post WWII treaty where if the Americans get into something we have to back them up.
Both issues could be sorted if the Americans behaved themselves,
lmaoooooo stfu
Hell yeah he AMERICAN. What's good nigga. Great red white and blue in the cut. Didn't y'all lose the war against us
Didn’t you guys lose a war against Vietnam and now Afghanistan?
That red white and blue no match for rice farmers and radical Islamists driving to war zones in 1980’s Toyota’s.
The Australians lost a war to f***ing EMU’S and that’s still less embarrassing.
lmaoooooo stfu
I literally posted evidence itt proving all of that.
They hated Jesus for telling the truth as well.
Give it a couple months until people start f***ing with this ironically on ktt and then inneviatvly they start f***ing with it like jaden smith terrible ass.
Or like Carti.
Didn’t you guys lose a war against Vietnam and now Afghanistan?
That red white and blue no match for rice farmers and radical Islamists driving to war zones in 1980’s Toyota’s.
The Australians lost a war to f***ing EMU’S and that’s still less embarrassing.
ok mate. Imagine thinking those wars were anything but about stopping communism. Which we did and about taking oil. Which we did
sounds like a win too me. We could take Britain anytime we wanted remember that.
Replace new York with Britain in the context of this video and thats how that go