Just dumped like all my s*** into miyabi and her w engine after playing the event that gives her and yanagi....she was just too fye, felt like I had to. Did a quick look online, seemed like her w engine was necessary too. Hope I just future proofed my s***. Risky move cotton, let's see how it plays off
Just dumped like all my s*** into miyabi and her w engine after playing the event that gives her and yanagi....she was just too fye, felt like I had to. Did a quick look online, seemed like her w engine was necessary too. Hope I just future proofed my s***. Risky move cotton, let's see how it plays off
Smart play, she's cracked
Smart play, she's cracked
Aight bet, had to turn the game off and sit there for a second afterwards I was like dam.....can't wait to get back in and get grinding
Lost the 50/50 at like 82
brutal you should get enough pulls this update for the guarantee though right?
i ended up gettin her on my goddamned 84th pull but i have nothing ready for her, not even a w-engine
brutal you should get enough pulls this update for the guarantee though right?
i ended up gettin her on my goddamned 84th pull but i have nothing ready for her, not even a w-engine
Oh yeah, I'm not worried about not getting her or anything. Definitely got enough time and content; still hurts though lol. I did win the 50/50s for Miyabi's M2 so I'll take the L this time.
I think all you really need for her is Lucy's or Soukaku's W Engines and you're set. Think Nicole's works too iirc. Fortunately she's pretty easy to build.
Oh yeah, I'm not worried about not getting her or anything. Definitely got enough time and content; still hurts though lol. I did win the 50/50s for Miyabi's M2 so I'll take the L this time.
I think all you really need for her is Lucy's or Soukaku's W Engines and you're set. Think Nicole's works too iirc. Fortunately she's pretty easy to build.
ill have to wait till i pull a new one of each since the ones i have are with their respective agents. im pretty quick to overclock a w-engine so i dont have many spares, esp of the signature a-ranks
ill have to wait till i pull a new one of each since the ones i have are with their respective agents. im pretty quick to overclock a w-engine so i dont have many spares, esp of the signature a-ranks
Time to get to pulling
Time to get to pulling
damn it. pulling on the w-engine banner only gets you w-engines right? ive never pulled on that banner
damn it. pulling on the w-engine banner only gets you w-engines right? ive never pulled on that banner
Nah you can still get characters, but they're off rate up so you'll mainly be getting W-Engines. Personally I'd just use Lucy's, Soukaku's, or Nicole's since I think those are the only competitive options and she's the best out of all of them lol. Don't think Astra's is that much better than those three by very much at all.
Nah you can still get characters, but they're off rate up so you'll mainly be getting W-Engines. Personally I'd just use Lucy's, Soukaku's, or Nicole's since I think those are the only competitive options and she's the best out of all of them lol. Don't think Astra's is that much better than those three by very much at all.
i just wanted a good shot at getting a decent a-rank w-engine. i prefer not having to switch w-engines off of agents if i can help it. though, in the meantime, i guess i could have Lucy and Astra share one since the son of calydon doesnt get as much play as Soukaku and Nicole
i just wanted a good shot at getting a decent a-rank w-engine. i prefer not having to switch w-engines off of agents if i can help it. though, in the meantime, i guess i could have Lucy and Astra share one since the son of calydon doesnt get as much play as Soukaku and Nicole
I feel that. Bit of a pain to switch stuff around lol. In any of the hoyo games, I've always farmed a set of relics, artifacts, etc. for each character and kept it on em. If you do end up pulling, good luck
the real (S-rank) Anby is finally here guess im saving for her AND Zhu now. good thing i came to my senses after 20 pulls on the weapons banner lol
the real (S-rank) Anby is finally here guess im saving for her AND Zhu now. good thing i came to my senses after 20 pulls on the weapons banner lol
saw this the other day
saw this the other day
no lies in them tik toks lol can't get Ms Officer out of my head
the real (S-rank) Anby is finally here guess im saving for her AND Zhu now. good thing i came to my senses after 20 pulls on the weapons banner lol
With her being Electric, curious to see if Qingyi is going to be even better
Also poor Harumasa
With her being Electric, curious to see if Qingyi is going to be even better
Also poor Harumasa
damn, since The Anby is going to be an attacker, i (and many others) would be losing the only electric stunner in our team comps. guess i might not make it out of this update with any polys after all
hey just think of it as Harumasa finally getting that time off he always wanted lol
thought about it and unfortunately im gunna have to skip Qingyi again just so i can have enough for Silver Anby and a possible Zhu Yuan rerun ill just have to make due with an off-element stunner (my stun-build Caesar prob) or an Astra boost
edit: apparently in HSR, you can run two versions of the same character (Herta) on the same team? if so, ill def skip Qingyi and just rebuild my stunner Anby since they might do the same in ZZZ
edit2: Trigger it is