I can't decide whether to pull for Caesar or wait for Burnice either damn
we serve the King around here
Put me onto this
this one's for the stylish action rpgs fans out there. ZZZ is a mix of 90s/00s Blockbuster(tm) and vhs nostalgia, fast-paced combat with satisfying parry and dodge mechanics and the enticing character design you'd expect from a Hoyo gacha but with a more urban flair. another standout characteristic is the character animations. it feels like the animators are much less restrained with ZZZ and each agents movements are better for it. here's some gameplay from a few months ago but apparently there's going to be less TV mode going forward:
update been downloading slow af for me this time been running for 2 hours and it needs 2 more wtf
Won the 50/50
lost the 50/50 but got her on the last 10 pull of the 100 tapes i had saved she bled me dry but thats the cost to ride with the King
doppelganger jane is no f***ing joke sheesh unless you have Ben or Caesar
edit: ok i was mashin but lvl 55 clone jane is a problem
apparently they're adding TV mode back to the story quests next update lol listening to the loudest complainers had them making Honkai 3rd all over again
The king has come home
finally got her sorta built now and she's been a nice addition to the team
finally got her sorta built now and she's been a nice addition to the team
Who you using her with?
Who you using her with?
she kinda works with everyone as an off-element unit but i like pairing her up with Jane or Ellen plus a support agent like Soukaku (C4 i think) or Nicole (C5). really helps the Oni because i tend to leave her out there to pop her charged EX lol
im like 60-70 pulls away from 300-pull guarantee on the standard banner and the only S-rank agent i dont have is Neko but, now having Jane Doe, i don't think itd be worth it to build her if i got her. idk which of the other S-ranks i should double-up on (or triple-up in regards to Soldier 11)
new newsstand event
Event Duration
2024/10/07 10:00:00 (server time) – 2024/10/21 03:59:59 (server time)
Reach Inter-Knot Lv. ≥15 and complete Agent Story "Mole in the Hole (I)" to participate.
Event Details
• During the event, you can complete the puzzles that come with the "The Ridu Tour" at the newsstand on Sixth Street.
• There are 5 puzzle sets in the event. Each set will be unlocked in sequence and at a specified time.
• Complete the event puzzles to earn rewards such as namecard Popular Freebie, Polychromes, , Boopons, and various upgrade materials as rewards.
burnice is 🅱️oming
i want to pull for her so that i have more options for Jane but ill probably wait until really late in the banner so i can see what Lighter has going on
edit: wait im f***ed bc lighter isnt after 🅱️urnice hope his gameplay leaks then lol
burnice is 🅱️oming
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvuV365VO6Qi want to pull for her so that i have more options for Jane but ill probably wait until really late in the banner so i can see what Lighter has going on
edit: wait im f***ed bc lighter isnt after 🅱️urnice hope his gameplay leaks then lol
there she is lol basically a music video