  • Dec 11, 2022

    the other night my homie popped a zincy and threw up 2 corndogs immediately, i saw the whole thing

  • Dec 11, 2022

    i just pop a zincy , rub one out and my bed is made now

    This testimonial is insane 😭

  • tried to give these up but those zinc ropes keep pulling me back in

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 11, 2022

    unironically the last part

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Before zincies not a single drop would come out when I nut.

    Just today, I nutted on my face by accident after beat my shmeat

    u got banned again?

    what racist s*** did u say this time

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 11, 2022
    3 replies

    Some of the posts in og thread f***ing crazy

    “took zinc and had a dream xqc was grooming my little sister and then planned a terrorist attack on my house and this huge plane came flying and my sister ran into it and i was holding her lifeless body in my hands asking if anyone can help her”

    “bro my dreams have been fukin insane now.. last night i had dreams of being serial killed in 5 different ways. i was a mexican boy getting eaten alive by dogs, was in my old apartment and saw photograph flashes through the windows and saw a random guy standing outside in the street O_O maybe this zinc life not for me”

    all my dreams always take place in college and i’m w friends i haven’t seen in years just having the time of my life.. sometimes s*** be getting sexual too ngl

    never had a bad dream tho only the kind of dreams that make you sad when you wake up cause it was so good

  • Dec 11, 2022
    2 replies

    all my dreams always take place in college and i’m w friends i haven’t seen in years just having the time of my life.. sometimes s*** be getting sexual too ngl

    never had a bad dream tho only the kind of dreams that make you sad when you wake up cause it was so good

    I had to stop this week after having sleeping paralysis three nights in a row

  • Dec 11, 2022

    Random monsters and ppl in your room screaming your name and pulling your legs while not being able to move is not one of the nicer aspects of life

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 11, 2022

    I had to stop this week after having sleeping paralysis three nights in a row

    that s*** is terrifying but also kinda fun/trippy once you realize it’s not real and just sleep paralysis

    i used to get it a lot when i was in college for some reason.

    feeling like u need to scream but not being able to is the trippiest s*** ever and just like the room shaking and feeling a presence in the room n s***.

  • Dec 11, 2022

    this thread hard

  • proper

    all my dreams always take place in college and i’m w friends i haven’t seen in years just having the time of my life.. sometimes s*** be getting sexual too ngl

    never had a bad dream tho only the kind of dreams that make you sad when you wake up cause it was so good

    zincy dreamin...

  • Dec 11, 2022
    2 replies

    CVS just recalled all their zinc

  • Dec 11, 2022

    u got banned again?

    what racist s*** did u say this time

    S*** is so hilarious watching known users with no Avis its like the police outline on a murder scene ctfu

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 11, 2022
    1 reply
    zeus man

    CVS just recalled all their zinc

    @Marble did u get your paralysis zinc from cvs?

  • Dec 11, 2022

    @Marble did u get your paralysis zinc from cvs?

    Nah lol, CVS pulling all their Zinc was a joke in the thread of OG ktt cus the op there got his zinc from cvs and started having all these side effects

  • sabbaroni 🧔🏻
    Dec 15, 2022

    i can hear the zinkies calling

  • Dec 15, 2022

    been having a zma tablet before I sleep and if I end up waking up in the middle of the night I take another

  • Dec 19, 2022

    Not playing

    Magnesium glycinate

    will have you feeling like tony stark making it out of that cave

    if magnesium doesn’t work for you it’s probably because you aren’t deficient in it

  • Dec 20, 2022
    zeus man

    CVS just recalled all their zinc

    I'm actually taking a cvs zinc rn

  • Jan 6, 2023

    zinc ruined my life

  • Feb 11, 2023
    3 replies

    does anyone itt still take zinc

  • Feb 11, 2023

    does anyone itt still take zinc

    yeah been poppin zincys and they got me bricked up

  • Feb 11, 2023
    1 reply

    I can hear them zincies calling

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Took zinc this morning before jerking off and shot at least five thick ropes of c***when I nutted. Had to be about half a liter of nut,

    Niggas shooting up silly string itt

  • Feb 12, 2023
    1 reply

    does anyone itt still take zinc

    Yeah but mainly zinc magnesium to sleep
