Cop should of fired some warning shots in the air or on the ground. Best chance to have her drop it on her own accord. Tasers seem a bit inconsistent when firing from distance. And this came down to inches & seconds as girl was winding up with that blade. I think a few warning shots could of broke s*** up the fastest really.
Warning shots???
Warning shots???
This guy literally said it was a matter of inches and seconds, even says she was winding up & he says take the time to send off warning shots lol
Cop did nothing wrong and it’s been f*** 12 my entire life. We gotta stop acting on emotion with these hashtags and trends. Ole girl was .2 seconds away from being a murderer and she clearly ran up on the girl so no I don’t have sympathy. I only have sympathy for the black people falling for white liberal media traps that sensationalize these deaths for ratings which causes more tribalism amongst Americans. I mean at this point we can’t be defending ANYTHING just because a police officer is involved.
Warning shots? Tasers? Lmao y’all niggas are delusional man none of that s*** is standard training in that situation, and neither had a good chance of preventing ole girl from being stabbed. When does personal responsibility come into play for the adults outside? For the teen? Nah we gotta move with logic and not emotions this time.
I meant a regular warning wouldn't of seemed to work. The girl saw red & wasn't listening to any voice of reason at that very moment. possibly firing a warning shot would snap her out of it, but then again maybe nothing would. yeah I know cops dont actually practice that s*** in the us so the only option really is some type of use of force unfortunately.
That’s wild man. Why couldn’t they just use a taser? These cops are way too trigger happy and it makes me sick.
Did you watch the body cam were the girl in pink was standing outside and the girl rushed out with the knife? The girl in pink was holding a dog by the car I don’t see any attacking?
By accounts of witnesses that were there the girl in pink was attacking her
id trust them over cops 100% of the time
Ohio is a stand your ground state.
She was on her property defending herself getting jumped which is her right.
There is absolutely no way that officer assessed the situation in 5 seconds where he came to a decision that someone needed to die in order to deescalate the situation. He approached the situation and his first decision was to shoot and kill.
This is a police department that has had up to 30 (reported) killings since 2015, in the last few months they’ve murdered Casey Goodson and Andre Hill in disgusting fashion. Miles Jackson also happened last week in a situation that shouldn’t have led to his death. And now, today, a 15 year old suffers the same fate. And if you try to believe they had good intentions today, they were taunting neighbors that witnessed the situation by chanting “Blue Lives Matter”.
That child did not need to die and you’re a terrible person if you try to justify this in any way.
Why are you bringing up the “blue lives matter” chants? That is completely immaterial if the officer who fired the shots was not saying it lol. It’s heinous and the PD as a whole is a piece of s***, but why even bring that up in your post?
If it was your younger sister or mother about to be stabbed to death, you’d have a different reaction. You wouldn’t be happy, you wouldn’t defend cops, but you’d acknowledge the incredibly sad situation that resulted in the loss of life while still being grateful that your loved one was still alive to hold onto.
what do you even do?? segregation? like what the f*** do you do??
I’m dead. I see the media is working as intended. Yeah let’s upend society for something that is not even remotely close to black America’s biggest problem.
Why are you bringing up the “blue lives matter” chants? That is completely immaterial if the officer who fired the shots was not saying it lol. It’s heinous and the PD as a whole is a piece of s***, but why even bring that up in your post?
If it was your younger sister or mother about to be stabbed to death, you’d have a different reaction. You wouldn’t be happy, you wouldn’t defend cops, but you’d acknowledge the incredibly sad situation that resulted in the loss of life while still being grateful that your loved one was still alive to hold onto.
Surely the bigger question you'd ask is why your sister or mother went to the girl that was murdered's house, and attacked that girl in the first place?
Now imagine your mother/sister was at home, had someone else come to her home and attack her.... then she called the police for help and in the meantime picked up a knife to defend herself, then later the cop murders her as she was defending herself (which shes legally obliged to do)..... that sounds a hell of a lot worse than the story you tried to suggest
Surely the bigger question you'd ask is why your sister or mother went to the girl that was murdered's house, and attacked that girl in the first place?
Now imagine your mother/sister was at home, had someone else come to her home and attack her.... then she called the police for help and in the meantime picked up a knife to defend herself, then later the cop murders her as she was defending herself (which shes legally obliged to do)..... that sounds a hell of a lot worse than the story you tried to suggest
Bro we literally have no idea how the girl in pink was attacking Mak’hia
What was said during the 911 call
What happened before the bodycam footage
If Mak’hia was attacked, with fear for her life, that changes the story. But the girl in pink was chilling before she came at her with the knife.
You’re not legally obliged to kill someone in “self-defense” if you’re in a common/minor squabble that teens or people often get into. I’m thinking back to school fights before breakfast in the cafeteria.
Did y’all keep this energy for the POS rittenhouse? We’re on a very slippery slope here
By accounts of witnesses that were there the girl in pink was attacking her
id trust them over cops 100% of the time
body cams arent bias towards anyside, witnesses said that she threw the knife away but you can clearly see the girl had the knife about 2 inches from the other girls neck. but continue you pick and choose what happened in this incident here if you want to
Surely the bigger question you'd ask is why your sister or mother went to the girl that was murdered's house, and attacked that girl in the first place?
Now imagine your mother/sister was at home, had someone else come to her home and attack her.... then she called the police for help and in the meantime picked up a knife to defend herself, then later the cop murders her as she was defending herself (which shes legally obliged to do)..... that sounds a hell of a lot worse than the story you tried to suggest
Also I do not disagree with you. A couple pages back, I even mentioned whether it should even be up to a cop to make the judgement and kill someone based on who he thinks is “good” or “bad” guy in any situation. Like a robbery where he has no idea who is the robber and who is a hostage.
And you have millions of people who don’t even have the decency to feel...bad about the situation. Like their default reaction is to boot lick on some blue lives matter s*** and not acknowledge that we need to be better
facebook has eliminated the concept of people having an actual thought about something
A warning or even letting shots off in the air wasn't gonna do anything in that situation she was inches away from stabbing the girl man
Only other thing in this situation that may have stopped her was using the taser
A warning or even letting shots off in the air wasn't gonna do anything in that situation she was inches away from stabbing the girl man
Only other thing in this situation that may have stopped her was using the taser
If cop working under the assumption that if pink was stabbed, she’d die — he would still use the gun rather than the taser?
This situation was really grey. Would a taser have stopped her and saved the life of the other girl? Who knows. I ain’t proclaiming myself to be a taser expert like most people seem to be. Best case scenario it does work. Worst case scenario it doesn’t and now the cops get blamed for letting a girl get stabbed right in front of them.
This is why they need more education and more training. It’s situations like this where no matter what option you pick you might be in the wrong. They gotta learn how to handle these.
Obviously if it’s me about to get stabbed I’m hoping they shoot the assailant. I ain’t tryna die. But from the outside looking in we see all the other options yet still can’t say for sure what the right thing to do is
We have the technology to invent non lethal weapons that are more effective than guns at stopping people