  • Apr 21, 2021

    You act like the cop had the situation completely under control though and she just bust out the cut w a knife. He had just pulled up as evidence by a chick getting dropped right as he was running up

    it isn't about the cop's understanding of the situation; i'm saying that the girl isn't defending herself if she's aware of the cops' presence and decides to try to stab someone instead of appealing to the police she called. i'm assuming that she called the cops because she wanted a form of defense (i dunno what other reason there'd be, but there could be a diff reason), so their arriving to handle the situation would be that. her stabbing someone in the presence of the police isn't self-defense bc the police she called gave her much more control over the situation than before. i'm really not sure what motivated her to do such and that's why i'm surprised that the info says she called the police

  • Apr 21, 2021
    4 replies

    If that was my gf, sister or mom being attacked with a knife, s*** I would be thankful a police officer was there to shoot the attacker.

    The fact is: the police officer saved a black woman from being stabbed, and for some reason y'all want to make it a racial/BLM thing?

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    LeBron what a clown

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro she's like 0.5 seconds away from stabbing pink girl with a kitchen knife, you sure her intentions could've been anything other than to kill?

    Tasers are too unreliable, what if he misses and pink girl gets stabbed multiple times before they get her off of her?

    Imo the officer had a choice between ending a life to save another or to watch someone get stabbed to death in front of him as a police officer.

    And he couldn't have said drop the weapon or I'll shoot in the time he kept saying get down to someone who's back is to him and clearly not paying attention?

  • Apr 21, 2021
    2 replies

    If that was my gf, sister or mom being attacked with a knife, s*** I would be thankful a police officer was there to shoot the attacker.

    The fact is: the police officer saved a black woman from being stabbed, and for some reason y'all want to make it a racial/BLM thing?

    Ya gf mom or sister shouldn't pull up to someone's home 4 deep looking to harm them if they don't wish to be stabbed.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    LeBron what a clown

    he said “you’re next ⌛️ #accountability”

    people taking that as a death threat are so stupid..he just wants accountability like with the Chauvin case what’s wrong with that?

    so many people turning replies off cause they know they’re being dumb as f***

  • Apr 21, 2021
    2 replies

    When this story gets a ton of press and controversy in the news and acknowledgement from the WH, but something like what happened to Casey Goodson Jr. in our city is barely a blip on the radar nationally, it really does make you wonder if there are people trying to push certain things just to create tensions.

  • Unity 💯
    Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    When this story gets a ton of press and controversy in the news and acknowledgement from the WH, but something like what happened to Casey Goodson Jr. in our city is barely a blip on the radar nationally, it really does make you wonder if there are people trying to push certain things just to create tensions.

    His name is Casey Goodson Jr.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    His name is Casey Goodson Jr.

    Its autocorrect sry

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Although I feel the police officer will get off due to legal justification, there should still be an investigation.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    And he couldn't have said drop the weapon or I'll shoot in the time he kept saying get down to someone who's back is to him and clearly not paying attention?

    She charged someone with a knife a couple feet infront of the police. I don't think she's listening to all that bro and more importantly, there wasn't enough time to talk her out of it unfortunately.

    Have we watched the same video lol? What you're suggesting would clearly end with the pink girl suffering multiple stab wounds

  • Apr 21, 2021

    I hate literally all cops and i’m certain this guy is a piece of s***

    but she was clearly trying to stab that other woman. there were already multiple cops on the scene and she starts rushing someone with a knife. really f***ing dumb

    You can mourn her death and recognize it’s a f***ed situation, but this is not the one to make a martyr of. That video will not help when played to a national audience

    Yeah, I feel like activists should not use this to further the BLM movement because it will not work, this is not a case like George Floyd or Duante Wright, this will be seen as justified by a lot of people.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    If that was my gf, sister or mom being attacked with a knife, s*** I would be thankful a police officer was there to shoot the attacker.

    The fact is: the police officer saved a black woman from being stabbed, and for some reason y'all want to make it a racial/BLM thing?


  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Ya gf mom or sister shouldn't pull up to someone's home 4 deep looking to harm them if they don't wish to be stabbed.

    I'm saying tho.. getting stabbed for jumping someone seems a much more appropriate consequence than getting shot to death for defending yourself

  • Apr 21, 2021

    he said “you’re next ⌛️ #accountability”

    people taking that as a death threat are so stupid..he just wants accountability like with the Chauvin case what’s wrong with that?

    so many people turning replies off cause they know they’re being dumb as f***

    The dumbass even delete it. He won't even stand with his own ideals that's why he is a clown.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    I'm saying tho.. getting stabbed for jumping someone seems a much more appropriate consequence than getting shot to death for defending yourself

    That's what I'm saying. I'm supposed to feel because a girl rolled 4 deep to someone house to harm them almost got hurt? You play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Her problem was calling the police.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Cmon yall, u can see in the video the officer fire 3 or 2 extra shots when she was already falling down with the knife. This is definitely excessive force

    I’m not saying it’s wrong but this whole notion that officers shoot to disarm or to only shoot the legs/arms isn’t based in fact. If an officer is shooting its to shoot to kill because someone’s life is in eminent danger which it is in this situation.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Ya gf mom or sister shouldn't pull up to someone's home 4 deep looking to harm them if they don't wish to be stabbed.

    and if you stab them in front of a cop you getting shot

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Jus use tasers man jeez

    Dude tasers are for when someone won’t comply with an officer not for when someone’s life is in danger. Especially when tasers only actually have a 50% success rate

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Just a sad situation all around. Don’t get coaxed into responding to this s*** racially because ultimately, they’ll use it as justification for why our anger is misguided. That’s why this particular story just happens to be getting a bit more coverage than others

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean if you ask me who is more deserving of death when you're comparing a girl defending herself vs a girl who pulled up to someone else home with 3 others to jump somebody 🤔

    But really nobody had to die.

    Bruh the cop just pulled up there and all he sees is a girl rushing another girl with a knife. In that instant you have to make a call based off what is presently happening not off what happened before you got there.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    If that was my gf, sister or mom being attacked with a knife, s*** I would be thankful a police officer was there to shoot the attacker.

    The fact is: the police officer saved a black woman from being stabbed, and for some reason y'all want to make it a racial/BLM thing?

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Bruh the cop just pulled up there and all he sees is a girl rushing another girl with a knife. In that instant you have to make a call based off what is presently happening not off what happened before you got there.

    Three to four teenage girls and one knife.. what kind of cop are you if this situation is too much?

  • Apr 21, 2021

    and if you stab them in front of a cop you getting shot

    It's funny cause if not for the cops coming nobody would fault her for stabbing shorty. She should've handled her business without the cops.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Three to four teenage girls and one knife.. what kind of cop are you if this situation is too much?

    ??? I’m talking about the girl in pink getting charged at by the girl with the knife. That’s it. Idk why you guys think cops are some martial arts experts who can just magically disarm someone or that cops can just aim perfectly in the heat of the moment to only hit limbs which wouldn’t even be a guaranteed way to disarm someone.
