  • Apr 21, 2021

    ??? I’m talking about the girl in pink getting charged at by the girl with the knife. That’s it. Idk why you guys think cops are some martial arts experts who can just magically disarm someone or that cops can just aim perfectly in the heat of the moment to only hit limbs which wouldn’t even be a guaranteed way to disarm someone.

    These guys must be trolling lol

  • Apr 21, 2021
    5 replies

    Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.

    The plot thickens

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m not saying it’s wrong but this whole notion that officers shoot to disarm or to only shoot the legs/arms isn’t based in fact. If an officer is shooting its to shoot to kill because someone’s life is in eminent danger which it is in this situation.

    Officers aren't trained to shoot to kill tho. They're trained to shoot to end or neutralize the threat. Which happens to be at sometime where the perpetrator is killed cause that's when they posed no threat.

    But in the video the threat was neutralized after 1 shot, when she dropped to the ground and the girl in pink got away. Shooting to kill in that situation isn't it

  • Apr 21, 2021
    2 replies

    Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.

    Yea the whole time I was thinking that makes zero sense to call the cops if you’re just gonna start attacking people with a knife.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Yea the whole time I was thinking that makes zero sense to call the cops if you’re just gonna start attacking people with a knife.

    I know when I'm right and when I'm not and twitter ain't fooling me this time

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.

    they as in

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    they as in

    the girl who was shot

    or at least whoever was on her side

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s not even about justifying anyone’s actions but we can’t turn everything into Twitter and completely disregard nuance guys lmao I know we spend a good majority of our lives now completely immersed in binary systems of thought, technology, and otherwise but real life situations are still very much complex lol

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    the girl who was shot

    or at least whoever was on her side

    Oh we knew that. Her parents really let her run out the house with a knife after calling the police? They responsible for sure

  • Apr 21, 2021

    What’s sad is we live in a world where all these young women thought the only way to settle what was likely a completely minuscule issue in the grand scheme of things was through violence and because of it, a 15 year old girl is dead

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Officers aren't trained to shoot to kill tho. They're trained to shoot to end or neutralize the threat. Which happens to be at sometime where the perpetrator is killed cause that's when they posed no threat.

    But in the video the threat was neutralized after 1 shot, when she dropped to the ground and the girl in pink got away. Shooting to kill in that situation isn't it

    edit actually oblivion my reply is pretty pointless cus i realized im just reiterating something u already understood and argued against so nvm

    he's sayin that the officers are trained to shoot to kill, as in they're only to shoot their guns if they have the intention of killing the person they're aiming at. if they happen to shoot the person and disable them without killing them, then alright, but if they're shooting they're expecting to kill. maybe this kind of training differs depending on the city or state, but to my understanding it's general

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Oh we knew that. Her parents really let her run out the house with a knife after calling the police? They responsible for sure

    Seriously though, if a group of people outside your house is wanting to hurt your daughter, what in your right mind made you think that it would be okay to let her out the house? For what? To prove a point? The parents are irresponsible idiots.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    edit actually oblivion my reply is pretty pointless cus i realized im just reiterating something u already understood and argued against so nvm

    he's sayin that the officers are trained to shoot to kill, as in they're only to shoot their guns if they have the intention of killing the person they're aiming at. if they happen to shoot the person and disable them without killing them, then alright, but if they're shooting they're expecting to kill. maybe this kind of training differs depending on the city or state, but to my understanding it's general

    I know what he's saying but it's not true. They don't shoot to kill, they shoot to end the threat. Feel like that's an important distinction.

    Shoot to kill means they go in with the intent to kill the person no matter what. Shoot to stop a threat means they're going in to shoot in a way that the threat is no longer present

    Edit : saw the edit

  • Apr 21, 2021

    It’s not even about justifying anyone’s actions but we can’t turn everything into Twitter and completely disregard nuance guys lmao I know we spend a good majority of our lives now completely immersed in binary systems of thought, technology, and otherwise but real life situations are still very much complex lol

    this is what scares me kinda because im seeing a lot of "woke" creators trying to talk about this situation, but it looks like ppl are rly stumbling with it due to not looking at the bodycam footage, it looks really bad optically for the whole movement because RWers can use this and say "See what I said about these people fighting for criminals" and yadda yadda

    i have seen arguments about the stand your ground laws applying to Ma'Kiah Bryant being justified to stab the person who was out there but idk how substantial it is, and i would like to find clarification on that in the future

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    When this story gets a ton of press and controversy in the news and acknowledgement from the WH, but something like what happened to Casey Goodson Jr. in our city is barely a blip on the radar nationally, it really does make you wonder if there are people trying to push certain things just to create tensions.

    There's no video or audio of Casey Goodson Jr. situation though. Body cameras allow citizens to a***yze and comment on the situation.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    This just seems like an unfortunate situation tbh. I feel like if you trying to stab somebody in front of a cop you gonna get shot 9 times outta 10

  • Apr 21, 2021

    There's no video or audio of Casey Goodson Jr. situation though. Body cameras allow citizens to a***yze and comment on the situation.

    That is definitely a factor, but idk... I was really surprised that there wasn’t more outrage about that. It seems like one of the more clear cases of police misconduct in all of these shootings.

  • Apr 21, 2021
    1 reply

    This couldn't even be taken as suicide by cop so your point makes no sense.

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Yall know how much I hate the police but tbh I cant hate on the Officer and what he did, yeah he definitely shouldn’t have shot her that many times but I don’t see how you could do anything else in the situation, she a big girl so a taser probably won’t do anything, plus he ain’t gonna go ask her what’s happening when she lunging wit a knife

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Still ACAB tho don’t get it wrong

  • Apr 21, 2021

    Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.

    Lock the thread, also why these grown people not doing anything
