  • Apr 22, 2021

    My question is, how do we handle this situation? I don't want people to use this incident to disparage BLM/other civil rights movements.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    2 replies

    girl was tryna stab people with a kitchen knife, but it’s tragic police decided to go 100 on it immediately


    Shoulda used a taser

  • Apr 22, 2021
    3 replies

    Shoulda used a taser

    Using a taser isn’t that simple. It takes a lot for a taser to be effective tbh.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    2 replies

    Using a taser isn’t that simple. It takes a lot for a taser to be effective tbh.

    Aight, how do you disarm the girl in that moment

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Using a taser isn’t that simple. It takes a lot for a taser to be effective tbh.

    Right. Tasers are useful to control a situation before it gets completely out of hand, but you wouldn’t want to have your life depending on a taser stopping someone threatening you with a weapon.


    Aight, how do you disarm the girl in that moment

    In that exact moment? Well you sadly see how in the video. I’m not sure what else can be done in that situation

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Shoulda used a taser

    Honestly the amount of voltage that would be needed to stop someone in the midst of tryna thrust a knife into somebody at that range would probably kill via cardiac arrest or some s***.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Using a taser isn’t that simple. It takes a lot for a taser to be effective tbh.

  • Buckleys Angel

    Right. Tasers are useful to control a situation before it gets completely out of hand, but you wouldn’t want to have your life depending on a taser stopping someone threatening you with a weapon.

    In general tho, the effectiveness of tasers are massively overestimated. In cities like Seattle, it was reported that tasers were effective only %60 of the time

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Honestly the amount of voltage that would be needed to stop someone in the midst of tryna thrust a knife into somebody at that range would probably kill via cardiac arrest or some s***.

    Damn, Fr ?

  • Apr 22, 2021

    If that was my gf, sister or mom being attacked with a knife, s*** I would be thankful a police officer was there to shoot the attacker.

    The fact is: the police officer saved a black woman from being stabbed, and for some reason y'all want to make it a racial/BLM thing?

    Of course I’m speaking for myself, but I think in order to truly represent a cause of reform you have to be understanding of each situation and use our best unbiased judgement to truly determined whether it was an abuse of power or in this situation (again in my opinion) it was just a scenario where unfortunately someone lost their life nonsensically

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Wtf was even that? These f***ing pigs ain’t s***

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Go ahead and close the book on this one

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn, Fr ?

    Unfortunately. tasers are considered less lethal weapons, not nonlethal. Getting hit in the chest can still cause cardiac arrest. There’s also the shoot to wound as opposed to the shoot to kill argument, but even that isn’t as practical as it seems at first glance. This situation sad af.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Aight, how do you disarm the girl in that moment

    It's tough to say, you can make the argument shooting once or twice and hoping they survive is the best option here. A taser isn't nearly as effective as people think. To stop a person mid thrust would need a crazy amount of voltage, it's not as instant as you'd want it to be.
    The cop has the option to manually disarm but that could have taken too long and puts him at significant risk too plus people around them.
    It sucks but he didn't exactly make a bad decision. It's justified in this situation. Definitely excessive with 5 shots but I'm not going to feel bad about someone trying to stab someone in front of a cop

  • Apr 22, 2021
    2 replies

    It's tough to say, you can make the argument shooting once or twice and hoping they survive is the best option here. A taser isn't nearly as effective as people think. To stop a person mid thrust would need a crazy amount of voltage, it's not as instant as you'd want it to be.
    The cop has the option to manually disarm but that could have taken too long and puts him at significant risk too plus people around them.
    It sucks but he didn't exactly make a bad decision. It's justified in this situation. Definitely excessive with 5 shots but I'm not going to feel bad about someone trying to stab someone in front of a cop

    Okay I see what you're saying, but what he did was Hella excessive imo. Those were body shots, like it's different if he was just tryna incapacitate ole girl and shot a leg or whatnot, and yeah I know there's no guarantee she won't bleed out from that but still

  • Flosh

    Unfortunately. tasers are considered less lethal weapons, not nonlethal. Getting hit in the chest can still cause cardiac arrest. There’s also the shoot to wound as opposed to the shoot to kill argument, but even that isn’t as practical as it seems at first glance. This situation sad af.

    Yeah I just suggested the shoot to wound but there's a chance that it goes sour too

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Okay I see what you're saying, but what he did was Hella excessive imo. Those were body shots, like it's different if he was just tryna incapacitate ole girl and shot a leg or whatnot, and yeah I know there's no guarantee she won't bleed out from that but still

    Yeah a shot or 2 to the lower body would be ideal but even then legs are tricky. there's a lot of arteries and spots that can easily cause bleeding out and amputations. Plus the guy had essentially 10 seconds to react from getting out of his car, getting a clean leg shot that fast in that situation is tough.
    I'm also not sure what he was told going in but most likely he was told it was getting violent so when he saw a knife aimed at another person I do think what he did is pretty reasonable.
    Replaying this in my head I don't see where he could have done that much better unfortunately. The best option was shooting at her legs and hoping she'd be OK later and that's still tough. Personally I think the blame is on the girl and the people around that escalated it to that point.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Are the adults that were involved and didn’t do anything but escalate the situation saying anything right now? I’m not keeping up with this but I want to know what they are saying.

  • Apr 22, 2021

    Justified imo. He had to take a life to save a life. Very unfortunate but that's the way it is sometimes

  • Apr 22, 2021
    2 replies

    Okay I see what you're saying, but what he did was Hella excessive imo. Those were body shots, like it's different if he was just tryna incapacitate ole girl and shot a leg or whatnot, and yeah I know there's no guarantee she won't bleed out from that but still

    Officers are trained to group their shots in the torso area. Shooting to incapacitate could:

    A). End up killing the person anyway by severing an artery.

    B). Due to the effects of adrenaline that the girl was likely experiencing, said shot might not have been enough to prevent what was potentially about to happen.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Officers are trained to group their shots in the torso area. Shooting to incapacitate could:

    A). End up killing the person anyway by severing an artery.

    B). Due to the effects of adrenaline that the girl was likely experiencing, said shot might not have been enough to prevent what was potentially about to happen.

    Exactly. Especially on B. If she wanted to stab, her arms are still able to despite being shot in the leg. Unless you were able to shoot and shatter her kneecap or something. Arms themselves are too small and nimble of a target to shoot in and of themselves, and the upper arm poses the same issue as option A.

  • Apr 22, 2021
    2 replies

    Exactly. Especially on B. If she wanted to stab, her arms are still able to despite being shot in the leg. Unless you were able to shoot and shatter her kneecap or something. Arms themselves are too small and nimble of a target to shoot in and of themselves, and the upper arm poses the same issue as option A.

    Not to mention it’s a lot f***in harder to shoot someone moving in the legs or arms than it is to hit their center mass.

    Yeah sure if you got a sniper on the person maybe you can try that but when you’re a cop that has to make a split second reaction, you shoot for center mass. I don’t even think 5 shots is excessive. I have no desire to watch the video but you shoot until the person is down and 1 or 2 bullets certainly doesn’t guarantee that. And you only shoot your gun if you’re aiming to kill. There is no shooting someone to incapacitate.

    It’s a very unfortunate situation but this cop potentially saved a girls life. This is a 100% justified shooting.
