Not to mention it’s a lot f***in harder to shoot someone moving in the legs or arms than it is to hit their center mass.
Yeah sure if you got a sniper on the person maybe you can try that but when you’re a cop that has to make a split second reaction, you shoot for center mass. I don’t even think 5 shots is excessive. I have no desire to watch the video but you shoot until the person is down and 1 or 2 bullets certainly doesn’t guarantee that. And you only shoot your gun if you’re aiming to kill. There is no shooting someone to incapacitate.
It’s a very unfortunate situation but this cop potentially saved a girls life. This is a 100% justified shooting.
But sentiments have been moving towards “no one deserves to die” so in that case you’ll have to reform the entire fabric of the police or abolish it as the movements been asking for.
As for the numerous shots, it’s to ensure the person loses consciousness at the very least, which eliminates the threat factor. This is caused by losing a certain amount of blood that you usually can’t guarantee by just 1-2 shots, as well as the type of gun (maybe a semi auto pistol), and the distance causing most bullets to miss usually during firing by police.
motherfuckers really defending 4 shots at a girls chest as justified, literal insanity
Ya maybe like the oldest working one in the squad or whatever they called carrys the gun, the other dumbasses just use their batons or something
Hey, good idea
the more i listen and watch this the more complicated this gets
when i saw the initial headline, the timing and the story i was absolutely sick
now im so confused. i get that this feels like an open and shut case, cops are b******s etc. but this one a little different imo
this is a great take
this looks like a long time issue and the cop is now going to be the scape goat
He shot into a group of people fighting
WTF he could have hit multiple people
this too
Seriously though, if a group of people outside your house is wanting to hurt your daughter, what in your right mind made you think that it would be okay to let her out the house? For what? To prove a point? The parents are irresponsible idiots.
i dont mean this an offensive way, but she was a pretty big girl, i saw a video of her mother and id completely expect the daughter to overpower her in that situation.
Dont think the mother had much choice at stopping her
But sentiments have been moving towards “no one deserves to die” so in that case you’ll have to reform the entire fabric of the police or abolish it as the movements been asking for.
As for the numerous shots, it’s to ensure the person loses consciousness at the very least, which eliminates the threat factor. This is caused by losing a certain amount of blood that you usually can’t guarantee by just 1-2 shots, as well as the type of gun (maybe a semi auto pistol), and the distance causing most bullets to miss usually during firing by police.
The police will never get abolished. That’s just never ever going to happen.
This wasn’t a girl just standing there with a knife. She was actively trying to stab another person. If the cop didn’t shoot and this girl stabs the out her girl and kills her then people would be screaming that the cop let someone be killed. And then the narrative in the media becomes “see all the scrutiny over shootings caused this cop to be indecisive and now someone died because of it”
motherfuckers really defending 4 shots at a girls chest as justified, literal insanity
Dude she was trying to stab someone
And you act like 4 shots is a lot? And the chest is center mass. That’s where cops and military and anyone who trains with guns is taught to shoot at.
motherfuckers really defending 4 shots at a girls chest as justified, literal insanity
Pretty sure if it was a white boy, the cops would have found a way that doesnt involve murder. Hell, the boy could have had a chainsaw instead of a knive and they wouldnt murder him.
Turns out she wasn't the one who called the police either, they did.
You knew what you was doing when you posted this and i just want you to know you a whole ass b**** for this
Niggas posting intentionally misleading s*** just to throw a thread off corny asl
It’s sad cause the way self defense is viewed in this country kinda mostly depends on your skin color.
Officers are trained to group their shots in the torso area. Shooting to incapacitate could:
A). End up killing the person anyway by severing an artery.
B). Due to the effects of adrenaline that the girl was likely experiencing, said shot might not have been enough to prevent what was potentially about to happen.
Oh she f***ing super man now?
I would like yall to get shot 1 time and see if that doesnt incapacitate you immediately
Kyle Rittenhouse being looked as a hero for bucking niggas in a whole other state he aint even need to be at. Ma’Khia being looked at as “crazy knife murderer” for defending herself in front of her own home. That Stand Your Ground law sure dont be really helping niggas out huh
We really gotta stop justifying jumping btw.
I know it’s off topic but it’s loser s*** to do, no one thinks you tough for doing it and you just lame and corny for that.
Kyle Rittenhouse being looked as a hero for bucking niggas in a whole other state he aint even need to be at. Ma’Khia being looked at as “crazy knife murderer” for defending herself in front of her own home. That Stand Your Ground law sure dont be really helping niggas out huh
You don’t even gotta go back that far tbh lol just last month old boy shot up them Asian massage parlors and was taken into custody with no hassle
Oh she f***ing super man now?
No, I didn’t say that. I’m saying that a shot to maim as she was already proceeding to stab might not have been enough.
Then we could have been looking at potentially TWO dead kids. Police aren’t trained TO maim, they’re trained to shoot in the torso area, grouped shots.
It’s a tragedy either way. Considering the very small window of time given I don’t know what else could have been REASONABLY (i.e. not bordering on the fantastical) done that would have resulted in a less tragic endpoint.
Obviously it’s the police’ fault for being such murderous scumbags in general that has resulted in so many people actively refusing to give a single officer the benefit of the doubt, but this is a complicated situation.
It’s understandable why people would feel the way they do though.
You don’t even gotta go back that far tbh lol just last month old boy shot up them Asian massage parlors and was taken into custody with no hassle
I only brought up kyle cause ppl argue self defense (the niggas he shot had the sticks too) but kyle didn’t have to be there.
Im 15. Mind not developed. These niggas are outside MY HOUSE 4 deep threatening me.
I only brought up kyle cause ppl argue self defense (the niggas he shot had the sticks too) but kyle didn’t have to be there.
Im 15. Mind not developed. These niggas are outside MY HOUSE 4 deep threatening me.
I feel you on that. I’m really mad that people let that s*** go that far, peeped the video and it’s adults stomping kids out and s***. Like wtf