Then don't comment on the situation you clown
I hope you not a white person saying this.
If you are, f*** you.
If you a nigga, still f*** you. I can comment on my people getting massacred by the state as I please b****.
I hope you not a white person saying this.
If you are, f*** you.
If you a nigga, still f*** you. I can comment on my people getting massacred by the state as I please b****.
You should be as informed as possible before commenting though. Doing otherwise kinda makes you look silly.
You should be as informed as possible before commenting though. Doing otherwise kinda makes you look silly.
Reading the facts by people that watched it isn't the same as me exposing myself to footage that has given me nightmares over the last few years of black death by the internet being broadcasted on the internet?
nigga stop. I'm wild for not wanting to see a 15 year old black girl SHOT TO DEATH? get off my d***. I read the source and background information and posts from other posters that watched the tape. I know she was about to stab a girl.
Life sxn's really overrun by weirdos.
I hope you not a white person saying this.
If you are, f*** you.
If you a nigga, still f*** you. I can comment on my people getting massacred by the state as I please b****.
Not white and its acab for me
But you sound soft as hell lol
No ones getting massacred bro
Niggas are posting all types of s*** itt and youre getting your facts from the same posters that are "weirdos"
Reading the facts by people that watched it isn't the same as me exposing myself to footage that has given me nightmares over the last few years of black death by the internet being broadcasted on the internet?
nigga stop. I'm wild for not wanting to see a 15 year old black girl SHOT TO DEATH? get off my d***. I read the source and background information and posts from other posters that watched the tape. I know she was about to stab a girl.
Life sxn's really overrun by weirdos.
I just said you should be as informed as possible idk why you spazzing. Seeing it happen in motion is different than merely hearing and reading something but go off sis.
"no ones getting massacred bro"
black people aren't get..
yeah, nvrmind. yall got it bro.
if someone doesn't want to see ppl die on video, thats completely fine, the situation has already been broken down in text form
"no ones getting massacred bro"
black people aren't get..
yeah, nvrmind. yall got it bro.
Honestly, just stop replying to these morons and giving them attention.
if someone doesn't want to see ppl die on video, thats completely fine, the situation has already been broken down in text form
shhh, you're soft for not personally (note I never criticized the tape) wanting to watch black people die in real time.
niggas on some new s*** in 2021 bruh lmfao.
shhh, you're soft for not personally (note I never criticized the tape) wanting to watch black people die in real time.
niggas on some new s*** in 2021 bruh lmfao.
Watching people die in camera is so normalised now a days, that these idiots think for you to "understand the entire situation you gotta watch it bro...ur too soft bro".
After getting more context on the situation besides the bodycam footage,
My thoughts on this case currently is that the four gunshots were excessive, but this will look kinda murky on basis of public opinion since some people will think it was justified action due to the stab being in motion, but I think she has some defense due to stand your ground laws and self-defense, plus Ohio does not have the "duty to retreat" clause like some other states, you can legally attack first if someone is acting towards you.
It's not wrong to defend her at all.
Another incident happened where this guy stabbed a police officer in the neck and ran away (apparently towards another police officer), but the cop that was stabbed actually deliberated and hesitated to use lethal force and decided to use the tazer to incapacitate the suspect.
I believe the suspect's white privilege had something to do with this, and I believe the police officer in this Columbus situation could've dealt with her non-lethally.
After getting more context on the situation besides the bodycam footage,
My thoughts on this case currently is that the four gunshots were excessive, but this will look kinda murky on basis of public opinion since some people will think it was justified action due to the stab being in motion, but I think she has some defense due to stand your ground laws and self-defense, plus Ohio does not have the "duty to retreat" clause like some other states, you can legally attack first if someone is acting towards you.
It's not wrong to defend her at all.
stand your ground and self defense laws vary state to state.
stand your ground and self defense laws vary state to state.
Yes, that is the variation I am talking about that is relevant in Ohio (where the incident took place)
This is so sad...
They should not let Police carry lethal weapons like that, it happens way too often
After getting more context on the situation besides the bodycam footage,
My thoughts on this case currently is that the four gunshots were excessive, but this will look kinda murky on basis of public opinion since some people will think it was justified action due to the stab being in motion, but I think she has some defense due to stand your ground laws and self-defense, plus Ohio does not have the "duty to retreat" clause like some other states, you can legally attack first if someone is acting towards you.
It's not wrong to defend her at all.
The woman she tried to murder was leaning up against a car holding a puppy... stand your ground isnt going to come into play at all
Did you even watch the whole video tho
Are you seriously justifying the cops actions
Kyle Rittenhouse being looked as a hero for bucking niggas in a whole other state he aint even need to be at. Ma’Khia being looked at as “crazy knife murderer” for defending herself in front of her own home. That Stand Your Ground law sure dont be really helping niggas out huh
she was clearly the aggressor in the video, how is she defending her self in that body cam footage?
Yes, that is the variation I am talking about that is relevant in Ohio (where the incident took place)
Does the laws apply anywhere? Some only apply in your home not outside.
In terms of whether or not she could have stabbed them depends on all the ohio laws. especially since police arrived.
Bullshit bro
It’s obviously a lot going on in the video, she probably didn’t even have time to process what happened or what was being said. The cop acted f***ing irrationally and now a little girl is dead. S*** is disgusting man
is it irrational brother to shoot someone with a knife whos about to drive it into the guts of another person? whos life matters more in that moment? ask the questions
Cops are trained to empty the entire clip once they start firing.
It’s an all or nothing deal. They shoot to kill, not incapacitate (which is unlikely to happen anyway).
I’m not saying it’s right, it’s still a tragedy, but that’s their training. It’s not like the movies, they can’t shoot the knife out of her hand, or even hit the arm (especially when it’s moving, it’s a small target). Could also result in the bullet exiting and hitting the girl in front of her.
The leg could also result in a severed artery, which is pretty much death.
It’s not quite a cut and dry situation.
Now if she was just standing there holding a knife, or even walking towards the officers that would be a different story. She appeared to be in the process of mid stab.
Ya gotta stop saying this. They're trained to shoot to incapacitate or stop the threat. They're supposed to fire as many shots needed to stop the perpetrator. In the video u can see only one shot was necessary as she was already falling down. He was still shooting at her when she was on the ground
Ya gotta stop saying this. They're trained to shoot to incapacitate or stop the threat. They're supposed to fire as many shots needed to stop the perpetrator. In the video u can see only one shot was necessary as she was already falling down. He was still shooting at her when she was on the ground
This is so sad...
They should not let Police carry lethal weapons like that, it happens way too often
yes they should lol. they just need to have some protections taken away.