Another incident happened where this guy stabbed a police officer in the neck and ran away (apparently towards another police officer), but the cop that was stabbed actually deliberated and hesitated to use lethal force and decided to use the tazer to incapacitate the suspect.
I believe the suspect's white privilege had something to do with this, and I believe the police officer in this Columbus situation could've dealt with her non-lethally.
Ofc he didn't shoot bc he's running away not towards someone
Another incident happened where this guy stabbed a police officer in the neck and ran away (apparently towards another police officer), but the cop that was stabbed actually deliberated and hesitated to use lethal force and decided to use the tazer to incapacitate the suspect.
I believe the suspect's white privilege had something to do with this, and I believe the police officer in this Columbus situation could've dealt with her non-lethally.
If the police shot and killed that man by firing shots in his back, there would still be tons of people saying it was justified.
What's more eyeopening in this conversation is seeing how disposable or valuable people deem a person's life...and how justified they are in their beliefs in a 3rd party's right to take it away....especially in this situation.
If someone held a knife with the clear intention of stabbing you, how would you like an officer to respond?
I feel like she wouldn’t get shot in another western country or let alone other countries.
Only in America where emptying your whole clip is the first solution.
Do y’all realize how silly y’all look arguing over 2 vs 3 or 4 shots
Some people just live in a world completely separated from practicality
I'm just wondering where yall are even going with this self defense argument. Like, if you actually believe that, do you think that everybody should have stood back and let somebody get stabbed?
bro, when i was 17, i got into a brawl at school, and was fighting multiple people, im a big ass nigga, and a taser took me down fast as s***, its no reason he couldnt have just tasered her
Are you seriously justifying the cops actions
the girl was about to stab a BLACK WOMAN, and the cop saved her
Idk this ain’t a clear cut one to me. The situation could’ve and should’ve been deescalated before the cops were even called. There were multiple adults present that should’ve stepped in.
Now the cop shooting her, is just indicative of the f***ed up mentality and system we all live under. I would have liked to see him use non lethal force to stop her, but from the video it looks like another girl was potentially on the verge of being stabbed. Just a messy and unfortunate situation all around
Pretty complicated and bizarre situation man
You have to cop who arrived to the scene and the girl in pink coming to speak to him peacefully....then within a split moment that very same girl is about to be stabbed by Bryant who audibly announces she will stab her right in front of the cop and makes the move to. This isn't lining up with some of these information we heard.
All the cop saw was a woman coming to speak to him and then that woman about to be stabbed. That gives the PD or literally any defense attorney A LOT to work with in their favor. He weirdly saved that other girls life but then did too much in shooting Bryant 4 times. He was wrong for that and i wish something would happen but he's "technically" allowed to do what he did as f***ed up as that is
And who tf are these bystanders like why does that random adult male kick a girl in the head and then just step to the side? And then theres grown ass adults all over just watching this all? Feel like its gonna be a depressing step backwards when they announce they have nothing to charge him with. This all shouldn't have happened at multiple levels from bystanders to the cop himself
I would like yall to get shot 1 time and see if that doesnt incapacitate you immediately
What’s your point? He doesn’t know if he’s going to miss or not.
When you’re attempting to save someone’s life you don’t take one shot and hope for the best, come on
We really gotta stop justifying jumping btw.
I know it’s off topic but it’s loser s*** to do, no one thinks you tough for doing it and you just lame and corny for that.
Not to mention that girl’s dad was trying to stomp on the head of a teenage girl
F***in trash
Bullshit bro
It’s obviously a lot going on in the video, she probably didn’t even have time to process what happened or what was being said. The cop acted f***ing irrationally and now a little girl is dead. S*** is disgusting man
He should’ve let the other girl get stabbed????? sure
You don’t think that’s what would happen? You don’t think all those f***in redneck and proud boys would form their own patrols if there was no cops????
You don’t think that’s what would happen? You don’t think all those f***in redneck and proud boys would form their own patrols if there was no cops????
You tell me
You tell me
Uh yeah they’re literally doing it now with cops so wtf do you think???
I've seen a cop taser 5 niggas that were fighting at a airport and they all dropped to the ground simultaneously
Like bro, use your taser
Even if she stabs somebody before you get close enough to tase that person can be saved
You can't save someone with 4 gunshots in the chest
And you shot in a crowd
Uh yeah they’re literally doing it now with cops so wtf do you think???
Uh huh
I've seen a cop taser 5 niggas that were fighting at a airport and they all dropped to the ground simultaneously
Like bro, use your taser
Even if she stabs somebody before you get close enough to tase that person can be saved
You can't save someone with 4 gunshots in the chest
And you shot in a crowd
what if the other person died