  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Damn I was late asf

    But still

    Chilly finally Free!!!?????

    Word to the nigga that took the wrap for me, Chill I will!!!!

  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply
    Lu The Ruler

    Chilly finally Free!!!?????

    Word to the nigga that took the wrap for me, Chill I will!!!!


    You real asf for that bar too, hadn't heard that song until yesterday 🗣️🗣️

    What's one of your favorite memories associated with Lu's music?

  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023

    Lot in here on Lu, Chilly and FnF that I never knew


    @OmegaRed been a Lu fan for a long ass time and there was so much in that link I didn't know so I thought you might be interested in it too

  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023

    @WRU I see you

    Can't wait to see what stories and music you share in here

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply


    You real asf for that bar too, hadn't heard that song until yesterday 🗣️🗣️

    What's one of your favorite memories associated with Lu's music?

    Fiasco Friday

    I had class at the time so didn't go, but would have had Lupe not make the compromise with Atlantic prior to it happening. I'm in NYC so it was a subway ride away. Looking back I should have just went to experience the moment

  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023
    Lu The Ruler

    Fiasco Friday

    I had class at the time so didn't go, but would have had Lupe not make the compromise with Atlantic prior to it happening. I'm in NYC so it was a subway ride away. Looking back I should have just went to experience the moment

    Damn haven't thought about that in so long goddamn, great pick

    Mind blowing that it was almost 15 years ago

    1. at Angela Yee recording this and it being on her channel with barely any eyes on it

    2. Whoever said y'all supposed to be in school was talking to you and was glad you didn't skip

  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023

    Man way too many GOATs trying to get em all on the first page

    Will add more Wayne songs to this post later

    The New Orleans hip-hop scene was way more captivating than the worldwide hip-hop scene, because it was more in your face. Our local radio stations, they favored our artists, so our Top 10 songs would always be full of New Orleans. You’d probably get a Billboard No. 1 hip-hop song thrown in there at, like, No. 8.
    Our block parties were a bit different; they were more like a concert. There’s a big crowd, there’s a D.J. and there’s a microphone, but it’s not for the D.J. The D.J. would introduce the artist coming on, and it was up to that artist to keep the party going.

    All these names are a chain link to me getting a deal: This first artist, his name was Roni. Roni was one of the best. He reminded me of Juvenile a lot. His niche was finding a way to tell you exactly what he’s doing every day — walking to the damn corner store — and he found a way to make you love it, feel like you could relate to it, like you just took that same walk. He’d go through his day and people would love it.

    You could get a recorded tape of that whole block party, sold after it was over. I would only want to hear Roni’s part, backwards and forwards, over and over and over. He was from my hood, but he was a grown-ass man, so he didn’t know too much about me.

    From the other side of my hood, there was another guy named Lil Slim and he was a bit different. He talked about the hood, and the hood only. I meshed those two guys together, and I couldn’t wait to get my opportunity.

    I was every bit of 9, 8 years old.

    I was probably around 10, 11 when they had the station called the Box. People were ordering videos, so you had to watch 1,000 videos you don’t want to watch, but once or twice you’ll see something on there that you didn’t know too much about. That was my real introduction to being actually interested in other music other than New Orleans music.

    I fell in love with New York artists, anybody from the East Coast. They was making more of their words to me. You had people like Q-Tip and Busta Rhymes, way before the “Gimme Some More” swag — just a backpack, big old jacket on, spitting. I was interested in artists that took on a character. The reason why I don’t read comic books or watch cartoons or believe in superheroes like my other friends was because I’m getting the same thrill out of hip-hop.

    I fell in love with Onyx, because I believed they woke up in the morning screaming at each other. And still my favorite artist, Missy Elliott. You know when you’re watching a sport and you’re like, this person is just too cold, too damn good and they can do whatever they want? She was that person to me.

    If you’re around me, you know for a fact that if you’ve got a little harmony, a little melody in your voice, I’m about to make you sing.

    To me, Shawn Carter, Jay-Z, was the god of words. He could’ve rewritten English books. I was introduced to Jay by listening to Biggie. “Lucky Me,” from “In My Lifetime, Vol. 1,” I learned backward and forward. I put it in songs, and I actually start off every show, still, saying words from that song: “And I swear to everything when I leave this earth/it’s gon’ be on both feet, never knees in the dirt/you could try me, expletive/but when I squeeze it hurts/fine …” And what’s crazy is we stop the music on that part and the crowd sings the rest of it with me as if I wrote that. But that’s all Jay.

    When it comes to B.G., he’s very significant, very specific, because we put songs together. That was back when I actually put words on paper. I know exactly his writing style, his technique. It’s impossible for some of that not to rub off on you. But I don’t write anymore.

    I was probably about 16, 17 — this is before internet and all that — when I heard a nugget that Jay wasn’t writing. And I didn’t want to ever see a pen or paper again in my life. Jay was my Bible.

    Back then, whoever the star was, they would always take on this young protégé. I would always look to that person. When Jay did it, I would look to Bleek. If I’m listening to Puff, I would look to Mase, or I would look for Jada. It was the humility of the big dog to set up a path for the next person to be bigger. And so that’s why I made sure when I got the chance, I was going to run with it.

    Nicki Minaj was always into my wording technique, the way I come up with the verse. “Why?” “But why?” “OK, but why?” She’s that kid. She was set on, “I’m the female Weezy.” Nick would change her voice like me, she would actually sound like me sometimes.

    Drizzy’s just Drizzy. That “good boy, bad boy, I was on the TV show, but I wish you would play with me” type of stuff.

    I was scared, actually, when I called Eminem for a song. That is a monster. He must have the same thing I have with words. Like, we can’t get them out of our heads. Every meaning, every aspect of them. Things that rhyme, we hear it. I already know the gift and the curse that he has. And I love to hear the way he puts it together.

    When I was on “The Tonight Show,” I was playing Pictionary. And my thing was Harry Potter. So I drew a pot, and they got that. I drew a man with a face, and I put a bunch of hair around him. They were like, “Wait, he’s hairy.” I’m, like, Harry Potter. We plan our words. At all times.


  • OP
    Jul 20, 2023
  • Jul 21, 2023
    1 reply

    So much range to reach all kinds of people

    I know it’s beautiful. The creativity that goes through this genre to me is like no other. When it’s good it’s so fly and creative and weird but in a good way.

  • OP
    Jul 21, 2023
    1 reply

    I know it’s beautiful. The creativity that goes through this genre to me is like no other. When it’s good it’s so fly and creative and weird but in a good way.

    What are some of the first songs that come to mind when you think of that creativity?

  • OP
    Jul 21, 2023

    S/o KTT legend C Robin

    Anyone that need Goofy Tunes can find a link in that thread

  • Jul 21, 2023
    1 reply

    What are some of the first songs that come to mind when you think of that creativity?

    I mean just in general like all the dope stuff that we admire from the classics to even your own personal classics. I just in mean general

  • OP
    Jul 21, 2023

    I mean just in general like all the dope stuff that we admire from the classics to even your own personal classics. I just in mean general

    Word I hear you

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply
  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply


    Thanks for the tag bro

  • Jul 22, 2023
  • Jul 22, 2023

    cool thread. shout out to all the legends in the game, those who paved the way. may not be a fan of some of the current s***, but there's still good rap music out there today and ofc all the classics from the past.

  • Jul 22, 2023


    you just unlocked a crazy memory, Jesus

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Thanks for the tag bro

    No problem, hoping to see you post more...stories, songs, thoughts whatever

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023

    Shout out No Hands going diamond

  • Jul 22, 2023

    No problem, hoping to see you post more...stories, songs, thoughts whatever

    Thanks I’m glad I joined

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    Love Life Utopia

    I ain’t know about hiphop until I moved to USA as a kid, but I’m forever grateful for it. These albums mean a lot to me but there’s still so many I ain’t even put. Have every Wayne/Gucci mixtape/album almost 20gb+ worth of music. Love that I grew up in the “hood” where music was word of mouth and out the trunk mixtapes. Miss those days, but hiphop is here to stay and only getting better. Everyone is welcome to enjoy this beautiful art form and I’m glad it’s welcoming to everybody


    Love this, thanks for sharing

    There will always be a really important social part of hip hop and I'm glad that was a big part of how you even got into the music

    Do you have any favorite memories about hearing about something via word of mouth or buying tapes out and about?

    Buying a CD from local artists at a gas station and it ends up being fire

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Hip-hop's influence on fashion through the decades is insurmountable. Kanye probably has the most life-changing outfits in human history.

    I can't find a pic of it, but I remember having a Rocawear t-shirt when I was a kid and I always felt the freshest in that. I still prioritize getting fresh and I owe that to hip-hop

    Need you to drop more fits

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply
    beefy the body

    Everyone in my family listens to Spanish music. I’m the only one that listens to straight rap, hip hop, r&b. I listen to other genres but this is my love. My first cd was the eminem show. I remember I played it in my dads truck and he cut that s*** off immediately lol. I listened to older stuff also but from friends and stuff. We were too poor to buy a $10 cd. Then I got GRODT and it was game over from there.

    Growing up with Spanish speaking parents it’s not easy to relay my feelings due to the language barrier so this was an escape for me too.

    Feel you on this heavy, English is my dad's third maybe fourth language and third for my mom

    I was really picking up my native tounge when I was young because of my mom but my parasite of a pops ruined that and then it became a big reason why he grew to not care for me at all

    Do you speak Spanish now?

    The part about the music getting cut immediately made me smile, been there

    I'm glad you ran with it as soon as you heard GRODT though, it took me almost a decade after that came out for me to really lock in with hip hop beyond just hearing songs from friends or on the radio/outside

  • OP
    Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    My dad is really the one who got me into hip hop from an early age. He’s a NY truther through and through being from the city all his life. I have vivid memories riding in the car listening to all of that as a kid and just having the best time. He has dementia now so he’s not really the person he once was, but those memories will stick with me forever and I can’t wait to do the same for my future kids.

    I took all of his music when cleaning out his apartment before he moved in under my brother’s care which is a massive catalog of CDs of all the music I grew up listening to with him. I planned on making a thread one day going through and listening to all the albums and giving my opinions on them. Maybe one day sooner than later.

    All this to say hip hop really is more than just entertainment for me, it quite literally helped me connect with my dad better. Those types of nuances really just make it mean that much more

    Thank you so much for sharing this

    I'm really glad you could have that with your dad and that can continue to be a part of you and eventually passed down to your kids

    I hope you do make that thread one day, already know I'mma love it and be in there

    Wishing your dad and you and your family as a whole nothing but love and light 🙏🏾💕
