@simulacrum get in here
Thank you so much for sharing this
I'm really glad you could have that with your dad and that can continue to be a part of you and eventually passed down to your kids
I hope you do make that thread one day, already know I'mma love it and be in there
Wishing your dad and you and your family as a whole nothing but love and light 🙏🏾💕
much love fam
Came ITT to reflect on some of my personal favorite hip hop moments, starting with ye:
Hollywood Bowl. 808s is such a special album to me, seeing it live there was unreal. Was broke af at the time, saved up to fly there, see the show, slept in the airport after the show no hotel, flew back to NY the next day.
TLOP - my most anticipated album ever. So Help Me God, Swish, Waves. Made my way to NYC for the TLOP event - favorite live event of all time. Saw Yachty up on that stage, full Kardashian crew in the audience, had decent seats. Seeing how happy ye was bouncing around surrounded by his friends, unreal. That will forever be my favorite concert experience.
MBDTF - my favorite album of all time. November 22, 2010 I begged my pops to take me to Target to pick up the album after school. We went, listened to it the whole way home and would listen to it in the car everywhere we went around that time. Thanksgiving/Christmas time will always remind me of that album and those memories. Album holds a place in my heart that is irreplaceable.
@simulacrum get in here
happy 50th to the best genre of music ever made
happy 50th to the best genre of music ever made
The love
You been going off lately so if you do choose to share any more thoughts in here I'm looking forward to it
Memphis Rap Appreciation
I don't think a lot of people realize how far the sound of trap goes back. These are some classics only available on Youtube that were doing. Tennessee is my second favorite state for hip hop behind NY
Not to mention Dirty South, which was Texas's answer to Memphis Rap that in fact predates Memphis Rap and influenced it. It was way more robust as an industry and a lot of dirty south classics are on streaming and still in print as CDs and vinyl
I'll share more later but I'm out to brunch lol
Not to mention Dirty South, which was Texas's answer to Memphis Rap that in fact predates Memphis Rap and influenced it. It was way more robust as an industry and a lot of dirty south classics are on streaming and still in print as CDs and vinyl
I'll share more later but I'm out to brunch lol
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXhVYpjyKbQ!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gy8g3fC9ZM!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vs9PCICxeU!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HsAbgaP1MoReal for the Texas love, I grew up there
Had to start OP with Screw
Favorite UGK song
Never thought about this era of Texas rap being a response to Memphis though, always thought of them as regional scenes that developed concurrently but without much interaction
Truth in regards to the ease of access of a lot of the music, always thankful that most of Screw's music is readily available even though he was just making tapes at his crib for friends/family and people who stopped by to buy tapes
Was supposed to hit the Screw Shop in Houston a week into 2020 but it didn't work out time wise and I haven't been back to Texas since
Memphis Rap Appreciation
I don't think a lot of people realize how far the sound of trap goes back. These are some classics only available on Youtube that were doing. Tennessee is my second favorite state for hip hop behind NY
Memphis >>>>>
My post on the first page regarding Memphis only has two songs right now, need to go back and add a bunch more
Can't wait until I can really dive in a time machine and explore all of that, have only really touched the most accessible of that stuff really (ie Tommy Wright)
Need to find a really good archive of as much Memphis material as possible
@january19th what's that Memphis rap album that just got a remaster recently
You put me onto it earlier this year I think but I don't remember what it is
Came ITT to reflect on some of my personal favorite hip hop moments, starting with ye:
Hollywood Bowl. 808s is such a special album to me, seeing it live there was unreal. Was broke af at the time, saved up to fly there, see the show, slept in the airport after the show no hotel, flew back to NY the next day.
TLOP - my most anticipated album ever. So Help Me God, Swish, Waves. Made my way to NYC for the TLOP event - favorite live event of all time. Saw Yachty up on that stage, full Kardashian crew in the audience, had decent seats. Seeing how happy ye was bouncing around surrounded by his friends, unreal. That will forever be my favorite concert experience.
MBDTF - my favorite album of all time. November 22, 2010 I begged my pops to take me to Target to pick up the album after school. We went, listened to it the whole way home and would listen to it in the car everywhere we went around that time. Thanksgiving/Christmas time will always remind me of that album and those memories. Album holds a place in my heart that is irreplaceable.
LOVE stories like this, want as much of this itt as possible
So glad you did all of this, incredible
Is there anything in particular from the actual show at Hollywood bowl that's stuck with you? Special performance and I've only seen the video
And do you remember anything about what you were doing during the Yeezus rollout?
Love this whole project
Thanks for reminding me @Sk8brdKee
one of my favourite albums ever.
Feel you on this heavy, English is my dad's third maybe fourth language and third for my mom
I was really picking up my native tounge when I was young because of my mom but my parasite of a pops ruined that and then it became a big reason why he grew to not care for me at all
Do you speak Spanish now?
The part about the music getting cut immediately made me smile, been there
I'm glad you ran with it as soon as you heard GRODT though, it took me almost a decade after that came out for me to really lock in with hip hop beyond just hearing songs from friends or on the radio/outside
That’s the thing Spanish was my first language lmao. I just grew up alone tbh. Parents always working and sister older than me so I was just finding myself. I grew up in texas so it was mixed neighborhoods and I just hung out with all types of people. I get that a lot that I’m hella different. Do you speak Spanish by chance?
That’s the thing Spanish was my first language lmao. I just grew up alone tbh. Parents always working and sister older than me so I was just finding myself. I grew up in texas so it was mixed neighborhoods and I just hung out with all types of people. I get that a lot that I’m hella different. Do you speak Spanish by chance?
Word I feel you on the parents working all the time part
Moving through a lot of different and mixed worlds too
Grew up in Texas too but nah I don't speak Spanish. Have a lot of friends that speak Spanish though and Spanish is a big part of some things I want to do in the future so you I'm set on learning it eventually after my native language (might start with Spanish first though because it's gonna be way easier to learn than my mother tongue for various reasons)