  • May 8, 2020
    rwina sawayama

    its sad the public outcry has to happen for the police to actually do their job


    think about all the cases without any attention rn

  • May 8, 2020

    nah they don't deserve to get the easy way out they should suffer the rest of their life

    good point. If they dont get the proper suffering, then they need to be killed

  • May 8, 2020

    F***ing monsters bro that video f***s me up every time i see it

    I couldn’t watch it more than once. F***ing sick f***ers

  • May 8, 2020


  • May 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Starting to feel like this, more so disappointed in my country.

    Like this was really finna get swept under the rug bro thats insane to me

    Dude gets CLEARLY murdered and they was down there like pretending it didnt happen

  • May 8, 2020

    what about the guy filming it i want him gone too

  • May 8, 2020

    Dawg don’t y’all compare dis to the that other dude who was on live & got shot. This s*** is sad asf. Wen he fell Bruh no smh it ain’t right

  • May 8, 2020

    my heart hurts. F*** this world

  • May 8, 2020
    2 replies

    They bout to receive a torturous death in prison.

  • May 8, 2020

    Pathetic as f*** it took public outrage to have them arrested.

  • f*** the police alwys and forever f*** the blue line too !

  • May 8, 2020

  • May 8, 2020
    1 reply

    So I’m hearing that the detainment was legal? In that case they’ll just say it was self defense, we need another Rodney King Smh

  • May 8, 2020
    2 replies

    So I’m hearing that the detainment was legal? In that case they’ll just say it was self defense, we need another Rodney King Smh

    You have to witness a crime to try a citizen’s arrest. That’s bs if they what they tried to do was legal or self defense

  • May 8, 2020

    Like this was really finna get swept under the rug bro thats insane to me

    Dude gets CLEARLY murdered and they was down there like pretending it didnt happen

  • May 8, 2020
    Enlighten Brother

    You have to witness a crime to try a citizen’s arrest. That’s bs if they what they tried to do was legal or self defense

    Why is that still a thing in the first place

    The obvious dangers aside it gives headasses the opportunity to do dumb s*** like this

    US laws are the most ed i swear

  • May 8, 2020

    Nice to see my fellow drag queens come up and post about this all on insta

  • May 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Had to have a leaked video go viral just to get justice

    Complete bs

  • May 8, 2020

    Welcome to America this type of s*** is typical

  • May 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Enlighten Brother

    You have to witness a crime to try a citizen’s arrest. That’s bs if they what they tried to do was legal or self defense

    Apparently u don’t have to witness the crime

  • May 8, 2020


    Now arrest and put the officers who were in charge of the case in jail for life

  • BigFameBigChain

    Apparently u don’t have to witness the crime

    That insane then I always thought you had to witness the crime in order to do it.

  • May 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Did anyone even know that there was a third accomplice involved? You know that dude and his son snitched immediately on that guy

  • May 8, 2020

    Hate to say it but I feel like they’re probably gonna get off.

    You hate to blame the victim but in a state where open carry, citizens arrests and stand your ground is all legal, the worst thing he could’ve done is grappled, thrown punches and tried to grab the gun.

    This is Zimmerman 2.0 imo. They deserve life in jail but they’re just gonna say they were legally carrying their guns and he started grappling and trying to grab the gun and they felt threatened and they had no obligation to retreat bc of stand your ground so they shot him dead.
