S*** like this gets me so heated...
This is so f***ed up, dude looks like he was literally jogging minding his business.
How TF that man confidently walk away after killing him like that. He walked away after shooting him like it was routine ...
it’s generational
What kind of mental illness do white people have
Other races are so reserved and inward looking, worrying about family etc these ugly crackers and their dumbfuck entitlement.
MIND YOUR F***ING BUSINESS stupid b****es. Every literal other group does this
From karens b****ing in public to deranged civilians chasing down people with guns trying to arrest people
No srsly is there some kind of mentall illness that runs in the white population
I cant even fathom looking at another person when im in public
Why are they like this
Been asking myself all this since I was like 7 bro, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ve been dealing with racism in the south all my life. Sad to say but at 26 I’m pretty much used to it at this rate, S*** just will never change my g.
The trash gonna trash but the complacency of those allowing this to continue to happen is the worst part tbh.
f***... when he tried to jog again after being shot this s*** is so hard to watch
teared up reading this
Reminded me that was the worst part for me
Saw him fighting and when he started running off for a split second I thought he was gonna get away, I don't know why
never safe...
Been asking myself all this since I was like 7 bro, it’s pretty disheartening. I’ve been dealing with racism in the south all my life. Sad to say but at 26 I’m pretty much used to it at this rate, S*** just will never change my g.
I lived in GA when i was young and i dnt even remember it being this bad
S*** i always thought it was better, cus the neighborhood segregation and s*** u find in the north dsnt really exist down there
My school, neighbourhood etc was an equal mix of white and black
And I just told my friend yesterday that I would never move to Georgia because I feel like niggas still get lynched in broad daylight there.
Now I see this s***
S*** like this gets me so heated...
This is so f***ed up, dude looks like he was literally jogging minding his business.
He was literally joggin, they seen him and said he “looked” like someone who had been breaking into homes around the area (literally just because he’s black 🤦🏽♂️) and then they started chasing him down, and that’s when the video plays
You can tell he was just tryna ignore/avoid them and jogged around the truck, but with that big ass shotgun in his hands you can tell he was tryna fight him off before he let that last shot fire 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
Apparently this is big, like big big cuz I’ve heard about it a couple times already today. Hopefully something will be done
He was literally joggin, they seen him and said he “looked” like someone who had been breaking into homes around the area (literally just because he’s black 🤦🏽♂️) and then they started chasing him down, and that’s when the video plays
You can tell he was just tryna ignore/avoid them and jogged around the truck, but with that big ass shotgun in his hands you can tell he was tryna fight him off before he let that last shot fire 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
A citizen arrest where they kill someone, yeah right. This can't hold up in court, normally then..
I viewed the comments to that video and some of them folks were trying to justify the situation
A citizen arrest where they kill someone, yeah right. This can't hold up in court, normally then..
It literally shouldn’t, but apparently it did hold up since this took place over 2 months ago and they let them free, only reason the town is now bringing it back up is probably cuz the video surfaced (which they already had) to the masses and are getting backlash from it
This is too blatant to still be happening, they not even tryna hide their prejudice..
I viewed the comments to that video and some of them folks were trying to justify the situation
Youtube comments are cancer mate
Apparently outside of the Atlanta area and Savannah the rest of GA is like this. Nothing but hick towns
I use to talk to this girl from the south who is nervous s*** like this happening to her in where are now (AZ). Like she's only comfortable where there's a bigger black population. But this just goes to show it can happen anywhere fam
RIP to the brother this is so wrong
Gonna purchase a gun f*** dis s***