  • Jan 30


  • Jan 30

    Didn’t Trump just get rid of the aviation safety commission and a bunch of other airline safety people

  • Awful man

  • mov

    Ain’t no way

  • rip to all of them man. how f***ing devastating

  • Jan 30

    NOT GOOD!!!

  • Wait what happened

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 30


  • This is solely on that blackhawk.

    What the f*** was bro thinking

  • Jan 30

    Is Hagseth even awake yet?

  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    Bruh I never trusted helicopters

    This is insane, Rest in peace to everyone involved


    Nothing about the victims or how tragic the situation is. Just making guesses of what happened and NOT GOOD!

    It was a grave mistake on the helicopter pilot but damn man does he have to be divisive every time he speaks

    Everyone lost their life including the pilot, sad situation all around

  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    Bruh I never trusted helicopters

    This is insane, Rest in peace to everyone involved

    As a kid I already had a severe fear of helicopters.

    Everything throughout my life has only increased said fears dawg.

  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    As a kid I already had a severe fear of helicopters.

    Everything throughout my life has only increased said fears dawg.

    Was talking to my homie literally yesterday about helicopters & why I feel the same way you do about them. He thought I was trippin

  • Jan 30
    1 reply
    · edited

    Was talking to my homie literally yesterday about helicopters & why I feel the same way you do about them. He thought I was trippin

    The way they designed theyre literally fighting against the air dawg

  • insertcoolnamehere

    The way they designed theyre literally fighting against the air dawg

    Yeah you’re right, idk how to make them any safer or if they should even exist the way they do

    But I also don’t know the fatality rate, I just know I’m not getting on one if I don’t have to

  • Slingshot

    you’re both gonna be fine it’s a reason this is crazy news

    Needed that brodie

  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    I’ve finally found out they haven’t found any survivors mannnnn every time this happens my fear of flying increases


    Nothing about the victims or how tragic the situation is. Just making guesses of what happened and NOT GOOD!

    Man is instigating his tin foil hat cult following to start some new conspiracy

  • Christ, imagine a Blackhawk helicopter crashing right into your seat. Like wtf, kinda wanna stay home today

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 30

    No survivors… man….

  • Flaphead

    Holy s***. My best friend saw this happen walking his dog, that’s absolutely horrifying. RIP to the victims. F*** man


  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    NBC & FOX News

    19 dead & 4 survivors so far

    You’re first mistake was trusting Fox News brother, it’s been confirmed there were none

  • Jan 30
    2 replies

    To those of you that are more scared of flying now, just a reminder that it is irrational and driving has a 20x higher rate of fatality than flying does per mile traveled

  • Jan 30

    Rest in peace to the victims. What an unfortunate accident. Helicopter pilot didn’t follow protocol, that’s sad.
