To those of you that are more scared of flying now, just a reminder that it is irrational and driving has a 20x higher rate of fatality than flying does per mile traveled
always hate this argument.
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
in a plane it's entirely out of my control.
it's absolutely valid by you also, no reason to fear flying so much that you never get on a plane
just always felt the numbers thing was an oversimplification of it all
always hate this argument.
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
in a plane it's entirely out of my control.
it's absolutely valid by you also, no reason to fear flying so much that you never get on a plane
just always felt the numbers thing was an oversimplification of it all
Not to focus on this and go back and forth, but having been in a rolling car accident, you really don’t.
Not to focus on this and go back and forth, but having been in a rolling car accident, you really don’t.
maybe the illusion of control is a better way to put it
always hate this argument.
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
in a plane it's entirely out of my control.
it's absolutely valid by you also, no reason to fear flying so much that you never get on a plane
just always felt the numbers thing was an oversimplification of it all
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
no you dont and it really doesnt matter when it happens
always hate this argument.
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
in a plane it's entirely out of my control.
it's absolutely valid by you also, no reason to fear flying so much that you never get on a plane
just always felt the numbers thing was an oversimplification of it all
you do not have control over someone hitting your car
Plane was about to land too, seen dude on the news waiting for his wife who was texting him before landing. Got me f***ed up man.
I take the yellow line to Pentagon City mall sometimes during the week and it crosses the potomac river on the way there. Im just trying to imagine seeing that outta nowhere man wtfffff
Cant believe its other ktt members on the yellow line
You’re first mistake was trusting Fox News brother, it’s been confirmed there were none
This f***ing sucks
I got control over my own demise in my car to a degree
no you dont and it really doesnt matter when it happens
There's a reason Defensive Driving exists lol. You can't control how other people drive
To those of you that are more scared of flying now, just a reminder that it is irrational and driving has a 20x higher rate of fatality than flying does per mile traveled
I definitely understand people being nervous to fly, especially after this horrible tragedy . But yea statistically you do have way better odds flying. Plane crashes in the US aren’t a common occurrence at all
Why is everyone assuming they all died?
I doubt anyone would survive a crashing helicopter into a airplane
Plane was about to land too, seen dude on the news waiting for his wife who was texting him before landing. Got me f***ed up man.
Bro that's even worse
I’ve finally found out they haven’t found any survivors mannnnn every time this happens my fear of flying increases
I mean to be fair this literally hasnt happened in 16 years. One in a million accident and airline travel is by far the safest mode of transportation.
What gives me anxiety though sometimes is the fact that you have literally zero control over what happens as soon as you step on a plane, even if it is 99.999% safe