The teaser doesn’t show much but the flat concrete surfaces makes me wonder if the Lake House is an offshoot of the Oldest House.
So is this gonna be about the FBCs investigation into the events of Alan Wake 1?
So is this gonna be about the FBCs investigation into the events of Alan Wake 1?
yeah pretty much
the lake house was built right after the events of alan wake 1 to monitor cauldron lake
its never really explained what exactly they were researching there, the only experiment we get told about are the nursery rhymes in alan wake 2, trying to bring stories to life using the dolls and i guess this is a result of that
looks like paintings come to life instead of writing this time
and i remember there was a guy in the lodge in alan wake 1 doing some crazy paintings of the dark presence
played halfway thru control and loved it
should i play this
after you finish control and the dlc yeah you should
Im busy overseas
Going home in March ima play the s*** out of everything I done missed
Still haven’t gotten around to Night Springs, excited for Lake House
Plan on doing my first replay (Final Draft)+Night Springs+The Lakehouse sometime in November or so.
Plan on doing my first replay (Final Draft)+Night Springs+The Lakehouse sometime in November or so.
I’m planning on doing Night Springs + Lake House Back to Back for October
Along with Silent Hill 2 remake for spooky month
Plan on doing my first replay (Final Draft)+Night Springs+The Lakehouse sometime in November or so.
Although ima do it all next year
Only played through the game once and was blown away
i havent played this but a video of it came on my youtube recommended
wtf max payne is in this in a little awesome vision/cameo etc? with the music and s***?! and voice?! so cool
i havent played this but a video of it came on my youtube recommended
wtf max payne is in this in a little awesome vision/cameo etc? with the music and s***?! and voice?! so cool
yeah that guy is the actual creator/writer of both games too, his name is Sam Lake
When are we getting an actual date though?
it will definitely be around the 22nd when people start getting the physical copies
i havent played this but a video of it came on my youtube recommended
wtf max payne is in this in a little awesome vision/cameo etc? with the music and s***?! and voice?! so cool
more than just a cameo
you've gotta play this if you love max payne
i havent played this but a video of it came on my youtube recommended
wtf max payne is in this in a little awesome vision/cameo etc? with the music and s***?! and voice?! so cool
More than just a little awesome cameo
Play em all if you love Max tho, more than worth it. Don't only play 2