Yeah but like the whole point was to get something more out of him for the journalists so it felt so sudden, didn’t expect it to end like that and it didn’t feel truly satisfying to me
But some jaw dropping shots that have already been burned into my brain. The younger girl crawling over those dead bodies that whole “what type of American are you?” scene was filled with tension
Nigga begged for his life. No politics involved. That's the quote they got
Garland’s second best film imo
Everything was fire up until the final 5 minutes
Idk if the ending was just unseasoned or if the meaning of it flew over my head
Anyone wanna share their thoughts on the ending
I’m still a little puzzled by the ending too
Yeah but like the whole point was to get something more out of him for the journalists so it felt so sudden, didn’t expect it to end like that and it didn’t feel truly satisfying to me
But some jaw dropping shots that have already been burned into my brain. The younger girl crawling over those dead bodies that whole “what type of American are you?” scene was filled with tension
Yeah….but……what type of American are you FlyHiii??
Yeah….but……what type of American are you FlyHiii??
From Hong Kong / China
Stg that had me hollering in the cinema
Nigga begged for his life. No politics involved. That's the quote they got
"that'll do "
i think it was really important that the movie didn't get into the politics of the situation/the why. the reason for fighting doesn't really matter when you're stuck in it
plus seeing them explain to write a reason for that level of conflict would've been sooooooo bad lmao
From Hong Kong / China
Stg that had me hollering in the cinema
Yea I think it may be for the best that garland hangs it up as a director
His performance is the peak of this film. They should’ve just made this about the journalists being held captive by him
Too much of the discourse around this movie is about the exclusion of so-called “politics” when it should be about asking why the one dimensional characters did so much dumbass s***
Too much of the discourse around this movie is about the exclusion of so-called “politics” when it should be about asking why the one dimensional characters did so much dumbass s***
Lol I feel like garland kept it on the nose because he thinks the audience is already so reactionary
His performance is the peak of this film. They should’ve just made this about the journalists being held captive by him
lol no
I can’t think of anything better
I did like the sniper scenes tho
Movie needed a directors cut a bit . Keep ending exactly same but fill gaps in story or show more journalist view and their pictures being used in media
great movie, glad MEN was a fluke
wish the marketing for this was different but I can’t blame A24
Did not like the ending at all plot wise but ngl I enjoyed how it played out wit the music and everything lol
Did not like the ending at all plot wise but ngl I enjoyed how it played out wit the music and everything lol
Could have been a more potent punch . As in story too similar to nightcrawler || with a tone that feels mismatched to message and things depicted by a little . Like if you had done || we are in a video game or simulation of future . I would nearly believe it the way some of it is acted