But yeah America’s Antifa is getting rolled , they would need european. Antifa to step in and they are just as / more faccist than the American patriot forces . The Portland Maoist’s took over the most important northern pacific city which is based af and honestly irl would be the biggest American opp to anyone turned patriots
This was just as good on rewatch, feels like it gets straight to the punch and doesn’t feel as meandering as Men. Scenes can be very very effective, and the sound design is such a treat. Glad I could watch it one more time in Dolby before the screens got taken by the latest thing
This was amazing. Made for theaters. The final act and the Plemons sequence some of the best s*** I've ever seen, specially the latter, the tension was so high.
Was super engaged throughout, felt like it was only an hour long.
Only gripe would be the Christmas Fair sequence , felt like the message they were tryna convey with that could have been shown in a more interesting way.
the "antifa massacre" line made me roll my eyes sooo hard
‘The Portland Maoists’ is what had me
I know Garland said the film is a tribute to journalists and war photographers but I think the movie is interesting as a story of one journalist losing their humanity and one getting it back
It shows Dunst’s character completely stoic, professional and stone faced, photographing the most disturbing s*** ever at the start.
Then as the journey goes, the big guy dies it’s almost like
she snaps out of it, wakes up, gets deprogrammed and can’t do it anymore during the final mission.
She goes from saying ‘what do you think?’ When asked if she would take a pic of Jessie dying to pushing her out the way and not even thinking about taking any pictures during the end
Whereas Jessie has the opposite arc switches her brain off, going from hysterical & throwing up to taking a picture of her hero being shot and loving the final mission
2nd watch in IMAX hit even better - got to focus on & absorb more of the technical aspects this time
It’s paced so well, starts to lose me once they reach the White House but even then it’s all great action
His best role is stlll as the bully in Like Mike
, I’m watching a cam and some psychopath keeps laughing at all the soldier scenes I ls this how it is in movie theatres nowadays ? Just complete lobotomites ?
2nd watch in IMAX hit even better - got to focus on & absorb more of the technical aspects this time
It’s paced so well, starts to lose me once they reach the White House but even then it’s all great action
I am kind of inverse. Beginning a lil blah to me. Its very much a movie where I wish I saw none of the press lead up and trailers. Not because they bothered me but I would have preferred to go in much more blind
I know Garland said the film is a tribute to journalists and war photographers but I think the movie is interesting as a story of one journalist losing their humanity and one getting it back
It shows Dunst’s character completely stoic, professional and stone faced, photographing the most disturbing s*** ever at the start.
Then as the journey goes, the big guy dies it’s almost like
she snaps out of it, wakes up, gets deprogrammed and can’t do it anymore during the final mission.
She goes from saying ‘what do you think?’ When asked if she would take a pic of Jessie dying to pushing her out the way and not even thinking about taking any pictures during the end
Whereas Jessie has the opposite arc switches her brain off, going from hysterical & throwing up to taking a picture of her hero being shot and loving the final mission
yes exactly this and it shows it with the multicolor blur effect that it is transferring. Its nearly saying in a way to me at least war criminals cannot exist without those numb to their crimes. Those hyped to depict the horrors of reality. Those consumed by it. They again aren't firing a bullet but capturing someones final moments forever etched is in many ways worse. I felt that early on when the black man dies and she takes a photo. They can't rest in peace because they live forever in a black and white photograph. I nearly wish they went trippy and once she died she met everyone she ever photographed on some The Sorrow s\*\*\*. I think it should have leaned more into the trippiness. More into oh s\*\*\* she has seen war crimes around the world they never bothered her but seeing it in America with people that look like her had her reflect on all those who didn't. There was the flashback in beginning but fusing it entire time would have been beautiful.
I think they should and could have leaned a bit more into American exceptionalism.
1. Dont announce california and texas have an alliance before movie drops you want to bait the partisan people in
2. Get them in theaters
3. Show American exceptionalism of them becoming same as they view much of the world. The military in this is a bit too similar to our current military as is the police force
I know this movie is fictional but I feel it could have differentiated itself a bit more from reality to not allow so many to say "I will just pirate f*** this its an election year this is serious". Again I get its message but many won't give it a shot and its so close to nightcrawler
Feels like it could have felt like a war film on acid
Saw this in IMAX today.
Film is a start through back intense war filled thriller.
There is so much I can talk about but spoiler tags don’t work for me on here.
I know Garland said the film is a tribute to journalists and war photographers but I think the movie is interesting as a story of one journalist losing their humanity and one getting it back
It shows Dunst’s character completely stoic, professional and stone faced, photographing the most disturbing s*** ever at the start.
Then as the journey goes, the big guy dies it’s almost like
she snaps out of it, wakes up, gets deprogrammed and can’t do it anymore during the final mission.
She goes from saying ‘what do you think?’ When asked if she would take a pic of Jessie dying to pushing her out the way and not even thinking about taking any pictures during the end
Whereas Jessie has the opposite arc switches her brain off, going from hysterical & throwing up to taking a picture of her hero being shot and loving the final mission
You should watch Only The Dead
It basically follows Jesse’s story but in real life
I know Garland said the film is a tribute to journalists and war photographers but I think the movie is interesting as a story of one journalist losing their humanity and one getting it back
It shows Dunst’s character completely stoic, professional and stone faced, photographing the most disturbing s*** ever at the start.
Then as the journey goes, the big guy dies it’s almost like
she snaps out of it, wakes up, gets deprogrammed and can’t do it anymore during the final mission.
She goes from saying ‘what do you think?’ When asked if she would take a pic of Jessie dying to pushing her out the way and not even thinking about taking any pictures during the end
Whereas Jessie has the opposite arc switches her brain off, going from hysterical & throwing up to taking a picture of her hero being shot and loving the final mission
I think this gets closer to what the film actually is about but yes, that is the human element of the story for sure. But I think ultimately the film is really about the desensitization of violence, how these journalists literally get off to searching for vile and horrific things to get a rush and to get their story and I think the significance of the ultimate cause of everything in the film is because of society's growing lack of empathy for each other and being more and more fine with seeing each other burned alive, shot, tortured, etc.
That recent twitter footage of that man burning himself alive and there being camera footage of it before any police officer would even go out to help him is all the proof you need for how society is f***ed.
, I’m watching a cam and some psychopath keeps laughing at all the soldier scenes I ls this how it is in movie theatres nowadays ? Just complete lobotomites ?
Some guy laughed when the bomb went off in the beginning
yeah he needed a cowriter on this one . I get what he is going for but he doesn't know how best to write it or even explain in an interview
yeah no surprise really - I caught a Q&A with him recently & he was saying stuff that had centrist/liberal connotations like that
He also flamed the s*** outta this one audience member from nowhere
yeah no surprise really - I caught a Q&A with him recently & he was saying stuff that had centrist/liberal connotations like that
He also flamed the s*** outta this one audience member from nowhere
nahh send me that
nahh send me that
I’ll post a link ITT if it gets uploaded but the questions were basic, nothing insightful from the crowd tbh. it was some American lady asking him why the movie wasn’t political that got him heated lol
wanted to ask him about his process behind the worldbuilding & if he drew from any older dystopian scripts like Dredd / 28 Days Later but I never got handed the mic