I accepted Alphonse after the yns interview
But honestly this is just what comes with the territory of being a hating ass nigga and pursuing it as a career path. For all the hating ass niggas on ktt that make being a hater their personality and aspire to be like Alphonse, this is what comes with it so be prepared
”aspire to be like Alphonse” is some wild s***. I’ve never seen this sentence before
Such a bad angle lmao
AP loves Detroit rap and bigs up a lot of small rappers
Not liking one of them named Teezo means 0
This is my biggest issue with niggas, they the first to throw black people under the bus in any position if they have an opinion that goes against the current black culture
al done f***ed up the google algorithm
look up who his uncle is and you'll quickly realize why this description changed as rapidly as it did
boy i dislike teezo music more than alphonse but this article stinks. reads like a musicboard review sent to a twitter groupchat if anything. nothing in the article is said well or anything guy has the writing skills of me when i was 14
”aspire to be like Alphonse” is some wild s***. I’ve never seen this sentence before
pitchfork really threw him under the bus tweeting this particular section of his column out
he almost always dumbs it down on there and reviews are more casual/passive I feel like most people who clicked this twitter link probably had a jaw drop moment at the lack of "professionalism" of this piece not realizing every other article under that column is just like it
Tho I wonder what tf teezo did that finally sent this nigga over the edge
Probably the music itself lmao
I'm rooting for Teezo in good faith but he's just Raury repackaged with darker and sharper aesthetics
I can see that fr hes just channeling his ktt posts into a semi readable article
wait he posts on here???
He don’t like teezo so he a token coon
Niggas caping for a dude with nails for hair
Pitchfork need to hit me with a max contract if this all they need niggas to do. I’m ready to be a professional hater.
aint he the only black writer and he the only pitchfork writer niggas even know and y’all hate him interesting
Niggas caping for a dude with nails for hair
They really just got too much time on they hands
how can niggas listen to strong friends and call this nigga bad?
You niggas must all be immature cucks
It sounds bad because it's like a cheap and lazy knock off of a band I grew up listening to
black now u go
I'm not black
Idk why you think it's about race if he didn't write this article who would hate