The problem is that the people catching the predators are awful humans and predators themselves.
try getting off twitter i dont even know f*** kinda videos youre on about bc i dont use it lmfao
that vitaly guy seems rlly ingenuine
like he’s doing it for views
nasty business transplanting this type of content from russia to the us, the most famous pedo hunter there was openly a neo-nazi btw
I’ve seen a video where some guy had to win mortal combat for his freedom , that can’t be real
in my country we had a 'justice man' doing similar type s***, he would bait old geezers on social media by using fake accounts, then trap them while recording and calling the cops on them
fast forward a few months later he got exposed by women as an abuser, mf was climbing up the first story of a block in order to tap on the window of an ex, in the middle of the night