have this robo hand that is supposed to facilitate finger extension, but it doesn't really pull my fingers open much, but i don't think i have any choice, but to see this through
bro you the million dollar man now wtf
okay good news i had my botox injection follow up and he said we can do it again and blast the hand a lot more he didn’t go too crazy on dosage the first time. something to look forward to atleast keep my spirits up
$950 though
dw yo clothes be selling like hotcakes them bills ah get paid in no time
dw yo clothes be selling like hotcakes them bills ah get paid in no time
not quite i got a long ass way until i’m out of the negative
not quite i got a long ass way until i’m out of the negative
they should be they fire asf
they should be they fire asf
they move slowly, gaining steam. doesn’t come quick
they move slowly, gaining steam. doesn’t come quick
smh they really should be flying off da website
but not right now cus it would be to much stress 4 u
smh they really should be flying off da website
but not right now cus it would be to much stress 4 u
eh it would give me something to do
eh it would give me something to do
ik but dawg this not a good time to be doing a lot of things cause you got this going on
although it would be some good PT
when you take a shower, scrub your head with your hand
kinda like you are trying to grab something
it helped when i broke my hand
know this not the same but i read you were doing PT with your hand
still gotta do PT now like bruh im using the hand i broke to type on my laptop rn
ik but dawg this not a good time to be doing a lot of things cause you got this going on
although it would be some good PT
yeah i gotta climb a ladder up to the attic to get orders so
i cannot find anything that help me perform functional finger extension, besides a device that is like 20k that my insurance doesn't cover. this frustration is debilitatingggggg
when you take a shower, scrub your head with your hand
kinda like you are trying to grab something
it helped when i broke my hand
know this not the same but i read you were doing PT with your hand
still gotta do PT now like bruh im using the hand i broke to type on my laptop rn
i use my arm to do anything it can like turn on/off lights and close cupboards and doors trust i'm trying!
i cannot find anything that help me perform functional finger extension, besides a device that is like 20k that my insurance doesn't cover. this frustration is debilitatingggggg
have you tried a bioness before?
unless thats the device you're talking about
have you tried a bioness before?
unless thats the device you're talking about
i have not heard of this thank you i will look into it now. I was referring to the myomo myopro
have you tried a bioness before?
unless thats the device you're talking about
had a call w a rep today and am going to get scheduled a someone in my area to try this. seems really interesting, how did you find this? i’m surprised i’ve never seen it before
had a call w a rep today and am going to get scheduled a someone in my area to try this. seems really interesting, how did you find this? i’m surprised i’ve never seen it before
consultation on 8/11 @Shady
consultation on 8/11 @Shady
wow, glad I could help dude!
earlier this year I was working in a spinal cord injury unit as an OT and used it on a client with limited fine motor function for functional training/range of motion.
cheers to getting that consultation, hope it's of benefit
Man OP im sorry and wish you the best in your recovery. Much love
thank you sm pal, i see the light at the end of the tunnel. and i’m better for it as it is
due to one of the 3 doctors had an emergency conflict
this is really bad because if it takes another 3 months like the first time i’ll be 26 and kicked off my moms insurance
they said it’s tentatively on October 29, but it’s not scheduled for sure. need to get the money off my back
they said it’s tentatively on October 29, but it’s not scheduled for sure. need to get the money off my back
I'm hoping everything going okay and only getting better for you man. Stay strong
And I hope you get the surgery you need
i had the bioness consultation this morning
this is the machine trying to perform hand extension. at what it's supposed to do (stimulate the muscle body to perform a task) it's doing a great job. the reason why that is not enough to completely open my hand is due to 2 reasons:
1. the level of my tonicity or spasticity, which is when your flexor muscles are activating even when you don't want them to.
2. the muscle body only control your knuckles, not your finger knuckles. they are only controlled by an overflow of what you're sending to your knuckles
to make a proper decision and have this work for me(it costs 6k) i am going to wait until my next botox appointment because
botox = stop flexors, stop flexors + bioness = full finger extension
also it is shown that electrical stimulation therapy can help up to 5 years post injury