didn't know that about finger and hand knuckles, interesting
yeah definitely do what's gonna give you the best mobility
i had the bioness consultation this morning
https://i.imgur.com/QxLHhoE.mp4this is the machine trying to perform hand extension. at what it's supposed to do (stimulate the muscle body to perform a task) it's doing a great job. the reason why that is not enough to completely open my hand is due to 2 reasons:
1. the level of my tonicity or spasticity, which is when your flexor muscles are activating even when you don't want them to.
2. the muscle body only control your knuckles, not your finger knuckles. they are only controlled by an overflow of what you're sending to your knuckles
to make a proper decision and have this work for me(it costs 6k) i am going to wait until my next botox appointment because
botox = stop flexors, stop flexors + bioness = full finger extension
also it is shown that electrical stimulation therapy can help up to 5 years post injury
awesome to see man!
that's some pretty good range already, especially if its without botox. looks promising g. hope the appt sheds more light on your current function, keep us posted!
awesome to see man!
that's some pretty good range already, especially if its without botox. looks promising g. hope the appt sheds more light on your current function, keep us posted!
i’m going to schedule another appointment a few weeks after my botox so i can just make sure it’s right for me, which i think it is because after learning how the fingers work exactly. that unit does exactly what it says it’s supposed to so it looks very promising given a tone decrease
i’m going to schedule another appointment a few weeks after my botox so i can just make sure it’s right for me, which i think it is because after learning how the fingers work exactly. that unit does exactly what it says it’s supposed to so it looks very promising given a tone decrease
rescheduled an appt for 10/13 more than enough time after botox to make sure it’s gonna be right. hoping the botox goes better this time around @Shady
Hope recovery is going well
it is, thank you sm
26 today, happy to be alive for the second consecutive year. i’m not fkn leaving!!!
it is, thank you sm
26 today, happy to be alive for the second consecutive year. i’m not fkn leaving!!!
thank yall @spacecadet @lilxenomoprh
it is, thank you sm
26 today, happy to be alive for the second consecutive year. i’m not fkn leaving!!!
Happy birthday!!!🎉🎈🎁🎂🎊
my spasticity doc wasn't necessarily sold on the bioness and i'm really not sure why, he wasn't convinced that i should be spending so much money on something that may not necessarily work, but rec'd me to go to an OT who has the device to use it there. but after co pays if i did that 2x/week it would be more per month than if i had the device myself and i could use it for
it seems like he really thinks i can end up w voluntary extension from just botox so if that was the case i'd be ecstatic
it’s okay they gotta get to the others. my man got my call on emergency then saved my life so it’s cool
i’m also low risk in the mean time!
officially scheduled for october 29th hope it sticks
I'm rooting for you bro.
getting to the point where it’s hard to feel like i cant fully recover w my hand, i don’t want to concede, but i don’t know where to go next. at the very least i know technology will catch up w me at some point
yo, i have my 8th surgery on friday. there’s a real possibility it will be cancelled for the THIRD time due to lack of beds because of a strike from another hospital. i would like to just get this done and get the monkey off my back i’ve been trying for 6 months now
you gonna have that i robot- west world hand that all the ladies gonna be 😨 on you, playa. you were born at the right time. @derekdod 😎
you gonna have that i robot- west world hand that all the ladies gonna be 😨 on you, playa. you were born at the right time. @derekdod 😎
if i dont get it back natty it's fine because i know technology will catch up to me
yo, i have my 8th surgery on friday. there’s a real possibility it will be cancelled for the THIRD time due to lack of beds because of a strike from another hospital. i would like to just get this done and get the monkey off my back i’ve been trying for 6 months now
never got a call, still on for tm @530 am
Honestly op, I hold you in high regards. I’ve always thought what/how is react in this situation and worry I wouldn’t make it through. But you kicking ass. You out here overcoming. So powerful. Much love and I hope you continue to prosper and flourish.
@op best of luck to you today