Honestly op, I hold you in high regards. I’ve always thought what/how is react in this situation and worry I wouldn’t make it through. But you kicking ass. You out here overcoming. So powerful. Much love and I hope you continue to prosper and flourish.
honestly, many people say that, but truly i think everyone has it in them when they really need it. if you were to tell the old me this would happen i’d say it’d be a death sentence. i guess that thing inside you just can’t come out until it’s really tested
cant wait for someone in the OR to ask me if i need anything and i’ll respond “i could use a cigarette” classic bit
Honestly op, I hold you in high regards. I’ve always thought what/how is react in this situation and worry I wouldn’t make it through. But you kicking ass. You out here overcoming. So powerful. Much love and I hope you continue to prosper and flourish.
I remember reading this thread. Great to hear @op
Be well today and for all of recovery @op wishing you nothing but power
tell you the truth the recovery ain’t nothing if it wasn’t a f***in burecracy id be watching a friend of mine open for my favorite band tonight 😡 i have to stay for 24 hours after for monitoring
@op hope it goes well dawg you've got the community on here behind you 💯
nothing i haven’t done before, well it’s not exactly the same surgery but i get the gist
dude they just gave me the hesi hey. they did a diagnostic angiogram prior then decided that they will do the real deal tomorrow i’m pissed cause i should be able to leave because a diagnostic isn’t corrective
okay so get this:
the embossed looking gray stuff is all glue and the FINAL BOSS is the crescent moon to the left of that menagerie !!!!
okay so get this:
the embossed looking gray stuff is all glue and the FINAL BOSS is the crescent moon to the left of that menagerie !!!!
I have no idea what that means but looks wild
I have no idea what that means but looks wild
the black strings are how your brain looks besides mine hemorrhaged so they had to repair it by block off the feeder arteries w glue
okay i had part 2 today all done i think that’s it. i’m very balderdashed.
Best of luck to you going forward 💗
okay i had part 2 today all done i think that’s it. i’m very balderdashed.
okay so get this:
the embossed looking gray stuff is all glue and the FINAL BOSS is the crescent moon to the left of that menagerie !!!!
make this a nft, you are about to become a millionaire with this story 😳
make this a nft, you are about to become a millionaire with this story 😳
is that how that works