just read op. pulling for you fam 🙏🏽 great to read about the progress
thanks i appreciate it, like i said every day i’m getting better and i feel my best and most normal today !
thanks i appreciate it, like i said every day i’m getting better and i feel my best and most normal today !
amazing to hear man congratulations on your recovery!
okay so i just found out i haven’t been in the hospital for over a month? this doesn’t make sense to me i would say i was in the hospital last week. from that mishap on the last surgery i got antero-grade amnesia
amazing to hear man congratulations on your recovery!
thank you so much! these posts are gonna get me there🤠
how you feeling today op?
wonderful, but i did just end up taking a nap, don’t know how long it was.
this retrograde amnesia is confirmed wiping out anything from my recent memory though haha
wonderful, but i did just end up taking a nap, don’t know how long it was.
this retrograde amnesia is confirmed wiping out anything from my recent memory though haha
correction: i have ANTEROgrade amnesia
correction: i have ANTEROgrade amnesia
since this is the case, i feel like i’m doing really well
feel great, i feel like every afternoon i feel better than the last.
Happy to hear that, congrats!
Hope you doing well OP
man had a bomb in his brain
was still lifting at the gym anyway
legend. keep pushing