Whats the prognosis OP
All this is routine and non lethal right
when it exploded it definitely would’ve been if i didn’t get the bleed stopped, as far as the recent stuff no, but it’s not like there’s no risks
when it exploded it definitely would’ve been if i didn’t get the bleed stopped, as far as the recent stuff no, but it’s not like there’s no risks
Ok that’s good to hear
Keep us updated family
@op are u actually a quaker boy
no and no, i’m a man but i grew up a boy
ah and no quaker 😵💫
oh well lol
ah and no quaker 😵💫
oh well lol
i worked in a quaker town and it was the impetus of the brand
i worked in a quaker town and it was the impetus of the brand
oh real asf
what town..
Orchard Park, NY
hmm i didn't kno there were quakers in ny that's cool
wishing the best for you brother, good to hear ur at least stable
thank you i appreciate it!
my mom keeps telling me i can’t remember what i did yesterday and i swear i do i feel like she’s gaslighting me haha