Good s*** homie
Do you do any mentally centric casual games? S*** like chess or sudoku or crosswords?
i do sudoku, wordle, and wordscapes! perfect for cognitive exercise
i do sudoku, wordle, and wordscapes! perfect for cognitive exercise
Keep at it bro
I feel like regular mental stimulation, no matter how minute is important for all of us. So many of us just go through the routine where we’re not challenged and that dulls you no matter who you are
girl hmu to come over after she went out, but i’m on driving restriction and my mom won’t drive me 😂😂😂
girl hmu to come over after she went out, but i’m on driving restriction and my mom won’t drive me 😂😂😂
when i said that she forbid me from leaving cause she didn’t like the sound of it for whatever reason haha
gammaknife tm 645 am
all superhero stories stem from a gamma incident fyi
this your origin story frfr
today my head feels like it was drilled into or something, super sore idk why
He just like me
Damn they really drilled in ur s*** my bad I only ever feel like they have drilled into my skull but they haven't drilled I hope the feeling subsides soon for u and for me
Damn they really drilled in ur s*** my bad I only ever feel like they have drilled into my skull but they haven't drilled I hope the feeling subsides soon for u and for me
it wasn’t too deep i’m sure it will subside soon, just taking some ibuprofen
been having trouble going to the bathroom, like i feel the urge and stand in front of the toilet then can’t piss so i figured whatever controls that took some heat in my cognitive stroke, so i looked it up and it’s the “pons” which happens to be right next to the thalamus where my problem is so not surprising
been having trouble going to the bathroom, like i feel the urge and stand in front of the toilet then can’t piss so i figured whatever controls that took some heat in my cognitive stroke, so i looked it up and it’s the “pons” which happens to be right next to the thalamus where my problem is so not surprising
you’re a f***ing GOAT man, all the best with your recovery your strength is inspiring
you’re a f***ing GOAT man, all the best with your recovery your strength is inspiring
i appreciate that i’ll even say my physical recovery is basically done except the only function i haven’t regained is extension of my left hand and fingers that’s IT! and when people tell me about my strength i think who i was prior and tell them how if you told old me this would happen i’d be like “death sentence” i think this is most of us you just haven’t been pushed to the point where it turns on!!
funny how this cured my social anxieties, but now i’m like an old man getting anxious for plans i have later in the day getting ready way too early haha