or this also could be the real end, they check later on and it’s gone. that would be amazing, just pointing out that the alternative situation isn’t the worst thing
Congratulations to the mother f***ing goat
thank you my man 🤝🤝🤝
so thankful of everyone supporting on ktt through these couple years!
been having trouble going to the bathroom, like i feel the urge and stand in front of the toilet then can’t piss so i figured whatever controls that took some heat in my cognitive stroke, so i looked it up and it’s the “pons” which happens to be right next to the thalamus where my problem is so not surprising
You’re inspirational
Congrats on the progress hope you get well soon
thank you my man 🤝🤝🤝
so thankful of everyone supporting on ktt through these couple years!
You deserve it man. Battling through all of it took more strength than I've ever had.
Enjoy your life brother
You’re inspirational
Congrats on the progress hope you get well soon
thank you i appreciate that. and i’m well rn in the BEST zone of my life i’ve ever been just rockin’ 🕺🏼
You deserve it man. Battling through all of it took more strength than I've ever had.
Enjoy your life brother
hey i would’ve NEVER in a million years thought i had this, i think that’s all deep down in us when we need it
my mom and i were thinking how my whole life i never slept through the night, my mom said i was so bad as a baby/kid then when i was older i’d wake up 3/4 times a night then just go back to sleep and that was the irregular blood flow through my AVM
Glad to hear you’re done with the surgeries man, hope recovery and everything goes smoothly
Glad to hear you’re done with the surgeries man, hope recovery and everything goes smoothly
people like op make me never complain about my life - i just take it silently because i would feel insincere in my gripes in comparison to real physical adversity/hardship 😒
this doesn’t mean i don’t complain but i never say “why me?”
keep being that reference point, op. we all need to have a glimpse with a struggle like this. i hope it all goes away & never comes back, & you have a great life and get to experience what most of us have. 😎
Gamma Knife
op a goat