people like op make me never complain about my life - i just take it silently because i would feel insincere in my gripes in comparison to real physical adversity/hardship 😒
this doesn’t mean i don’t complain but i never say “why me?”
keep being that reference point, op. we all need to have a glimpse with a struggle like this. i hope it all goes away & never comes back, & you have a great life and get to experience what most of us have. 😎
i used to be that guy too, HUGE complainer, but it is what it is. thank you
Your story is so inspiring OP
thank you, i’m so glad it can be used by other people to help themselves!
so it’s 2+ years after the fact and my nest egg of cash is finally getting low just dropped under 6k that saving was worth it clearly
my abstract thinking is literally so bad it kills my decision making
posted this in my brand thread yesterday by accident was supposed to go in here
my OT just told me that after a month of knocking down from 2 sessions a week to 1 i have held my place in where i’m at cognitively!
my OT just told me that after a month of knocking down from 2 sessions a week to 1 i have held my place in where i’m at cognitively!
What this mean in the long run?
What this mean in the long run?
that i will be able to eventually be done with OT and not mean i’d lose progress!
that i will be able to eventually be done with OT and not mean i’d lose progress!
that i will be able to eventually be done with OT and not mean i’d lose progress!
I'd like to think my g&g threads aided in your recovery
That's why they call me Dr hunty
that i will be able to eventually be done with OT and not mean i’d lose progress!
thats f***ing amazing def a cause to celebrate
super happy for u