my mom had a stroke at 49 and i was the one to find her.
She living a normal life now OP, don't worry yourself too much about being paralyzed forever in your arm.
Lots of that s*** goes away with time.
She volenteers a lot now in the stroke ward of the hospital, and has seen people in wheelchairs told they would never walk again, & people who weren't talking being told the same. and both were able to do what the doctors told them they couldn't.
Love to you man
man you got lucky as hell.
you’re right but i’m getting scared i won’t be able to use my arm again 😢
some detail 3/6/20:
i was born with a blood vessel on my brain that was a ticking time bomb and when my blood pressure rises it fills ( i was deadlifting at the gym and it burst so now i’ve been in the hospital for 14 days
my left arm and leg are currently paralyzed
wish me luck or ama
they see the first one through my wrist 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
this is how they do brain surg:
i’m 24
update 2/23/21: a couple days past 1 year:
i have recovered extremely well and am currently working on gross motor functions of my hand, but everything else like upper arm and entire leg are in the fine tuning stage essentially.
after i unlock hand extension i will have a full functional left arm, albeit weak, but strengthening is the easy part
i am very close to being able to get back to my new 100% capability
the AVM is still not fully cured, but my last surgery could be soon. i have done 7 angiogram embolizations that have worked, but there is one last part that has a higher risk of re-stroke than all the other places.
#8 last surgery on 4/21 if everything goes to plan i will be done indefinitely
other updates along the way are just posted on the thread i prolly should’ve documented those in op
update 9/5/21:
physicality wise i am unfortunately in the same place as the last update, lacking a functional hand, hopefully still in the cards for me. lately i've been complimented on my fluidity walking. a few people also said they didn't even know i had any disabilities which is good
as far as my brain my monkey on my back last surgery has been postponed twice and is tentatively scheduled for 10/29/21, but i am low risk so other than just wanting to get it done it's not a huge deal
update 12/29/21:
so i'm trying to correct some of my mistakes in the OP, but I can't get everything right. i've been home all of december from my 8th brain angiogram. now what's left on the table for TBD in the new year is my FINAL brain surgery, which will be a gamma-knife ( and i can't wait
update 5/25/22
gamma knife was the worst looking, yet easiest surgery of my 9
super easy, now i’m DONE w brain surgery indefinitely until they check in a few years to see where the gamma took it and if it’s necessary i’ll only have more of these which is fine! the bad part is i had a cognitive stroke and got anterograde amnesia
I’m late but how/when did stroke happen? Not in the OP.
I’m late but how/when did stroke happen? Not in the OP.
it was a risk of the surgery
Best of luck OP. My dad had a stroke. went to hospital. Had a stroke overnight (pretty sure this should qualify as negligence or something idk), and then basically waited to die for 6 or so months before finally passing he was only in his early 50s. You’ll get through this though. You know how long youll be staying?
. The good news is that the NIH reports that 65-85% of stroke victims do learn to walk independently again after 6 months.
this feels better that’s good percentage
. The good news is that the NIH reports that 65-85% of stroke victims do learn to walk independently again after 6 months.
this feels better that’s good percentage
You got this man
. The good news is that the NIH reports that 65-85% of stroke victims do learn to walk independently again after 6 months.
this feels better that’s good percentage
You’re gonna do it in half that time
You’re gonna do it in half that time
i can walk with a spotter holding me right now but it’s super clunky. it’d be interesting to see if i could walk by myself. i can’t wait to get home so i can try things
And thanks for the kind words fam
i can walk with a spotter holding me right now but it’s super clunky. it’d be interesting to see if i could walk by myself. i can’t wait to get home so i can try things
And thanks for the kind words fam
you're going to get better brother , much love to you
i never knew i had this. my mom read that a guy burst his jerking off. this coulda happened at anytime
stay strong fam, youve already made so much progress
looking back was there any warnings signs for you that you had this? or did it literally just happen out of the blue? scary stuff
stay strong fam, youve already made so much progress
looking back was there any warnings signs for you that you had this? or did it literally just happen out of the blue? scary stuff
thank you!!!!
the only way i could have ever known is a brain scan, otherwise it’s just a ticking time bomb
are the hospitals filling up in your area?
don’t think there’s been a lot of new admittance here at least
theres this really good book on neuroplasticity and it has a chapter on stroke patients recovering mobility that i thought was super interesting, maybe you will find it somewhat useful
its called The Brain That Changes Itself
i found a pdf version googling "the brain that changes itself stroke"
peep chapter 5 i believe