  • Mar 29, 2020
    i am sasuke

    theres this really good book on neuroplasticity and it has a chapter on stroke patients recovering mobility that i thought was super interesting, maybe you will find it somewhat useful

    its called The Brain That Changes Itself

    i found a pdf version googling "the brain that changes itself stroke"
    peep chapter 5 i believe

    word thanks for the info brother

  • Mar 29, 2020

    what u feel like

    as far as what

  • Mar 29, 2020
    2 replies

    get well soon bro, wish you the best

  • Mar 29, 2020

    get well soon bro, wish you the best

    thank you!!!

  • Mar 29, 2020
    i am sasuke

    theres this really good book on neuroplasticity and it has a chapter on stroke patients recovering mobility that i thought was super interesting, maybe you will find it somewhat useful

    its called The Brain That Changes Itself

    i found a pdf version googling "the brain that changes itself stroke"
    peep chapter 5 i believe

    i read it earlier, the frustrating thing about this stuff is that it’s all so different and specific your age, prior health, fitness and everything all play a factor in what comes back so it’s so different case by case. my friends moms arm didn’t work for a tear and now she’s perfectly fine so it’s like who’s to say really it’s just a long ass waiting game

  • Mar 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Wish you the best, you can definitely overcome this. My mum has two brain hemmorhages years ago and she recovered from both.

    You’ve got this.

  • Mar 29, 2020

    get well soon bro, wish you the best

  • Mar 29, 2020

    10 days and one more sunday to get through

    (sunday there is no therapy so the day is 8 til i fall asleep and with no visitors it’s torture)

  • Mar 30, 2020
    5 replies

    ended up in the DMs with a nurse she said hmu when you’re out

  • Mar 30, 2020

    Wish you the best, you can definitely overcome this. My mum has two brain hemmorhages years ago and she recovered from both.

    You’ve got this.

    thank you man i appreciate it

  • Mar 30, 2020

    single digit days lets do this thang

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    ended up in the DMs with a nurse she said hmu when you’re out

    nice man. you sound young enough to make a full recovery. i work with stroke victims regularly. horrible stuff.

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    nice man. you sound young enough to make a full recovery. i work with stroke victims regularly. horrible stuff.

    i’m 24

    tell me more

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    i’m 24

    tell me more

    a lot of older stroke cases don't improve. there's a middle aged guy at the facility with a dubious history. however he went from having a trach and not being able to move, to walking talking and eating normal food.

    he is slightly impaired cognitively, but he had two strokes. his were from lifestyle factors like bad diet. he's also a convicted pedophile. but he has a mostly normal life.

    at 24, from what i know, you have a great potential to lead a completely normal life.

    i was born with a brain bleed, and despite developing mental illness as an adult, i have a master's degree, and am intellectually a genius.

    the human body and brain are amazing. as long as you are able to reduce stress in your life, and find ways to reduce stress like exercise, prayer, deep breathing, meditation, it sounds to me like you'll be fine.

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    a lot of older stroke cases don't improve. there's a middle aged guy at the facility with a dubious history. however he went from having a trach and not being able to move, to walking talking and eating normal food.

    he is slightly impaired cognitively, but he had two strokes. his were from lifestyle factors like bad diet. he's also a convicted pedophile. but he has a mostly normal life.

    at 24, from what i know, you have a great potential to lead a completely normal life.

    i was born with a brain bleed, and despite developing mental illness as an adult, i have a master's degree, and am intellectually a genius.

    the human body and brain are amazing. as long as you are able to reduce stress in your life, and find ways to reduce stress like exercise, prayer, deep breathing, meditation, it sounds to me like you'll be fine.

    i think so too, albeit the recoveries are different for everyone these old people in my rehab are swinging off the ceiling like tarzan when they are getting discharged so i don’t see why not me.

    just info for you i’m currently walking with a cane and if i squeeze real hard like i’m flexing my arm pulls up to my face and the therapists are going crazy but i can’t really be excited til i’m actually feel like i’m doing something. but considering this happened on feb 21 it’s been under two months and if i’m doing that it can only mean good

    my friends moms arm didn’t move for a year and now she’s perfectly fine. and i read that 60% of stroke patients can walk independently in 6 months so i keep that stuff in my head instead of the negtives, try to at least.

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    i think so too, albeit the recoveries are different for everyone these old people in my rehab are swinging off the ceiling like tarzan when they are getting discharged so i don’t see why not me.

    just info for you i’m currently walking with a cane and if i squeeze real hard like i’m flexing my arm pulls up to my face and the therapists are going crazy but i can’t really be excited til i’m actually feel like i’m doing something. but considering this happened on feb 21 it’s been under two months and if i’m doing that it can only mean good

    my friends moms arm didn’t move for a year and now she’s perfectly fine. and i read that 60% of stroke patients can walk independently in 6 months so i keep that stuff in my head instead of the negtives, try to at least.

    yeah, it's encouraging a nurse has the hots for you. that must mean she forsees you living an independent life, as far as i can see, anyway.

    you will probably wind up with a higher quality of life than others of your generation, because you will know not to take your health for granted in the future.

    you suffered from a freak accident, but God wills everything for his good, so there must be a good outcome. i would be surprised if you didn't make a full recovery. you may have residual motor idiosyncracies like limp or arm movement like you mentioned. but life will be very much worth living.

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah, it's encouraging a nurse has the hots for you. that must mean she forsees you living an independent life, as far as i can see, anyway.

    you will probably wind up with a higher quality of life than others of your generation, because you will know not to take your health for granted in the future.

    you suffered from a freak accident, but God wills everything for his good, so there must be a good outcome. i would be surprised if you didn't make a full recovery. you may have residual motor idiosyncracies like limp or arm movement like you mentioned. but life will be very much worth living.

    what do you do for work?

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    brain surgery through your wrist??? fam what kinda smart ass s*** is that

    gl on your recovery chief

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    what do you do for work?

    i work as a neuro rehab specialist at a neuro rehab. i write lesson plans and try to stimulate people with brain illnesses, and brain injuries.

    i work with virtually every type of brain impairment. it is one of the most stressful jobs there is, especially for someone with chronic depression, but i truly live the beatitudes and help the less fortunate everyday.

    stroke, alzheimer's, korsakoffs, bipolar, schizo, dependence disorder, trauma induced brain injury (people who got jumped, fell off motorbikes) you name it, i work with it.

    it's killing me but i'm happy to be employed

  • Mar 31, 2020

    brain surgery through your wrist??? fam what kinda smart ass s*** is that

    gl on your recovery chief

    it’s called an angiogram. apparently an artery there or in your groin travels to your brain and that’s where they go up it’s insane

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    i work as a neuro rehab specialist at a neuro rehab. i write lesson plans and try to stimulate people with brain illnesses, and brain injuries.

    i work with virtually every type of brain impairment. it is one of the most stressful jobs there is, especially for someone with chronic depression, but i truly live the beatitudes and help the less fortunate everyday.

    stroke, alzheimer's, korsakoffs, bipolar, schizo, dependence disorder, trauma induced brain injury (people who got jumped, fell off motorbikes) you name it, i work with it.

    it's killing me but i'm happy to be employed

    do you deal more with people who aren’t cognitive or all?

  • Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    do you deal more with people who aren’t cognitive or all?

    almost everyone has some form of cognition. i briefly worked at a facility in a different role where it was all somewhat vegetative.

  • Mar 31, 2020

    almost everyone has some form of cognition. i briefly worked at a facility in a different role where it was all somewhat vegetative.

    you speak with such elegance i admire it.

  • 0 👀
    Mar 31, 2020
    1 reply

    1 more week till freedom? you got this bro

    can't wait for you to be with your mom as well

    keep up with your brand too i'm sure your friends will be supporting you these coming months
