Darling in the Franxx better than CSM lowkey
Stop baiting me I hate u.
Me @proper @Eleganza and @Scooter
Will save this thread
Whats happening itt
nothing bad happens in run with the wind but you will still cry i promise
Take me back to when we first watched this
Whats happening itt
Thread been like this since csm dropped and rent a gf ended
Stop baiting me I hate u.
Lol you’re the only one I can accept hating franxx
Take me back to when we first watched this
might rewatch before year ends
blocked, excommunicated from fam thread
If the fam thread watched anime, they'd like Grand Blue more
Darling in the Franxx better than CSM lowkey
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
WHOOOOA. Kill la Kill, Panty and Stocking, and Gurren Laggan exists
Other than private Discord servers, 4chan's anime board is the really the only place where I can talk to a lot of other people who have watched a similar amount of anime as me.
I can reasonably expect a thread about the Aria series, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei series, or Symphogear series to get 100+ replies there. Other than DMWR who has actually watched Symphogear, how many people in this thread has even watched a single one of those shows? Those shows aren't even that obscure either. Out of all the major sites its the one with the most knowledgeable and well-watched userbase.
Symphogear up next when I return
Finished Angel Beats. It was coo, but it didn't make me cry like I was promised
Ichiban no Takaramono
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
Kill La Kill slander will NOT be tolerated! REPORTED!
with that said though, my hot take is that Grand Blue > Gintama
Grand Blue is goat tier manga but Gintama is THEE GOAT anime so…