Grand Blue is goat tier manga but Gintama is THEE GOAT anime so…
I far preferred the anime for grand blue to manga but also I don’t find comedy manga interesting at all
The voice acting, animation, and sound editing all make the comedy for me
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
You had me in the first half ngl
This yuri?
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
Franxx is the worst anime ever made
Matter fact outside of Cyberpunk Edgerunners (a show that is really barely above average), all Trigger anime is dogshit
edgerunners is dogshit
haven't watched
Its... fine? Just don't go into threads or boards that are obviously gonna be weird? I've never visited em cause neither of em are one of my hobbies, but I sincerely doubt the photography board or the cooking board have anything egregious. The anime board is fine too, if anything, since they actually discuss the shows there the posts are more interesting than 99% of the stuff people post in this thread.
I like this thread it’s like a group chat I mostly just get recs from here and irl friends (or internet friends that turned irl)
Finished Angel Beats. It was coo, but it didn't make me cry like I was promised
Nope eyes dry for me too maybe it’s because we’re not in high school
i feel like if someone tells u an anime is gonna make u cry it wont cuz u already know something bad is gonna happen u know? at least thats my experience with like clannad and stuff
Clannad and A Silent Voice did make me cry
Darling in the Franxx better than CSM lowkey
Power already better than each of the girls so what are you talking about
Starting Golden Kamuy season 3
definitely one of the best seasons of anime I’ve ever seen
i feel like if someone tells u an anime is gonna make u cry it wont cuz u already know something bad is gonna happen u know? at least thats my experience with like clannad and stuff
Honestly lotta those “cry” anime come off too try hard for me
Like I was honestly cringing the entire ending of Ano Hana because it just seemed like they were trying so hard to drive a reaction outta me with everyone crying and trying to make it sad.
Afterstory also just felt like a really cheap exploitative narrative
Other than private Discord servers, 4chan's anime board is the really the only place where I can talk to a lot of other people who have watched a similar amount of anime as me.
I can reasonably expect a thread about the Aria series, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei series, or Symphogear series to get 100+ replies there. Other than DMWR who has actually watched Symphogear, how many people in this thread has even watched a single one of those shows? Those shows aren't even that obscure either. Out of all the major sites its the one with the most knowledgeable and well-watched userbase.
too many shows not enough time man...
Man dedicated a paragraph to a forum where one of the top threads is about which female anime character you’d wanna rape
definitely one of the best seasons of anime I’ve ever seen
I have enjoyed the show more than I imagined. There was a time previously I thought about starting it but last week I started and watched season 1 then finished season 2 last night
i feel like if someone tells u an anime is gonna make u cry it wont cuz u already know something bad is gonna happen u know? at least thats my experience with like clannad and stuff
Hmm idk, cause I anticipated clannad and violet evergarden to be sad af and they still made me cry. Your lie in april didn't tho, so I guess it depends on several factors.