  • rano 🇧🇷
    Feb 2, 2023
    1 reply


    Easily one of the best vampire series I’ve seen. What started off as a horror slowly melted into a battle of ideology. I know some of the characters needed a bit more fleshing out but when looking at the bigger picture I didn’t mind. Haunting soundtrack also… I’ll watch the OVAs next

    Wanna peep this now
    I clicked the spoiler tho, will it impact my enjoyment you think?

  • Feb 2, 2023

    Been like 7 years since I seen it but I remember the OVAs being some of the best moments of the series.

    Saving more tonight some of my favorite moments were the conversations between Sunako and Muroi

  • Feb 2, 2023

    Wanna peep this now
    I clicked the spoiler tho, will it impact my enjoyment you think?

    No you find this out very early on lol. Def worth a watch in my opinion

  • Feb 2, 2023
    2 replies

    that being said that hand slam is one of the most bizarre things ive seen in a gundam

    up there with orga's death scene from iron blooded orphans

    Lafter's death tho

  • Feb 2, 2023
    3 replies

    The time has come to read and watch this… very excited

  • Feb 2, 2023
    shin thread jpeg

    Lafter's death tho

  • Feb 2, 2023

    The time has come to read and watch this… very excited

    been meaning to read this

  • Feb 2, 2023

    Yeah but with music at least it’s a different group of people making them and not a few big studios who overwork their employees

    Anime studios are kinda like record labels, and inside a single studio you have tons of different directors, storyboard artists, animators, plus the oursourced work that goes to overseas studios most of the time, the freelance animators, composers, etc. Studios mostly take commissions, sign contracts with freelancers and outsourcing studios, and of course have the core of people working on the various anime. At the end its still the people doing the work, and thats why we should check for the staff who works on an anime and not the studio, cause the latter usually only gives you a very vague expectation. For example, madhouse is a studio but it doesnt have a specific style, after all legends like satoshi kon, yoshiaki kawajiri, takeshi koike, mamoru hosoda all worked for a while in that studio and they're very different directors with specific artistic vision, and thats not much different than a tde having isaiah rashad, sza and schoolboy q (dumb comparison but you get the point). There are studios with an identity of their own like kyoani, ghibli, trigger for example but they're exceptions. And yeah i agree they're not paid enough, unfortunately not every studio is kyoto animation, which is why mfs starting to use ai allegedly???? and be wondering why they cant find animators

  • Feb 2, 2023
    1 reply

    The time has come to read and watch this… very excited

    Classic, masterpiece, it'll never finish though, just a heads up if you're one of those who doesnt read a manga if it got no ending

  • Feb 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Classic, masterpiece, it'll never finish though, just a heads up if you're one of those who doesnt read a manga if it got no ending

    I’m in there for the vibe and journey my friend

  • Feb 3, 2023
    1 reply

    The time has come to read and watch this… very excited

    Get ready for depression!

  • Feb 3, 2023

    Get ready for depression!

    Favorite genre

  • Feb 3, 2023

    that being said that hand slam is one of the most bizarre things ive seen in a gundam

    up there with orga's death scene from iron blooded orphans

    dude that s*** was insane also the way she reacted when she did like that s\*\*\* was crazy bro :dead: like mikazuki was pretty indifferent towards death and was a mad dog for fighting but he was not like calmly cheerful about killing people

  • Feb 3, 2023
    shin thread jpeg

    Lafter's death tho

    I've never seen anything worse than this

  • Feb 3, 2023
    6 replies

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

  • Feb 3, 2023

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

  • Scooter

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

  • Feb 3, 2023

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

  • Feb 3, 2023
    2 replies

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

    is this how they translated that line god thats f***ing awful

  • Feb 3, 2023

    I see a lot of people itt who don't understand that if you move forward you gain two

    You activated several killers with this code phrase

  • Feb 3, 2023
    1 reply

    is this how they translated that line god thats f***ing awful

    What's your best way translating it?

  • Feb 3, 2023

    What's your best way translating it?

    I don't think there's a great way to 1 to 1 it and it make sense but it's not about gain but about the available "options" in a situation. If you run away, there's only one option: you run away, and that's it. If you go forward, there's two: the 'good' outcome, and the 'bad' outcome.

    Idk if this is further explained in the subs but translating as if you move forward you gain two does not really explain the nuance of this line at all imo

  • Feb 3, 2023
    1 reply

    is this how they translated that line god thats f***ing awful

    I wish I didn’t need subs

  • Feb 3, 2023

    this is why im self-learning japanese

  • Feb 3, 2023

    ill understand grammar 10 years from now