I'm doing fine in my classes and making hella bank off mfs that are too lazy to do their homework
I dont got no friends though
Can't relate, just finished my degree and now I'm waiting for my results but I already know I passed all that s*** Online learning lowkey helped me finesse, just copied and pasted answers that I already typed and ctrl+f to search the answers for multiple choice questions
Yes doing the bare minimum. But I am also working right now so what you gonna do.
Can't relate, just finished my degree and now I'm waiting for my results but I already know I passed all that s*** Online learning lowkey helped me finesse, just copied and pasted answers that I already typed and ctrl+f to search the answers for multiple choice questions
Imagine being in a class so remedial they give you multiple choice questions
Imagine being in a class so remedial they give you multiple choice questions
Imagine being so remedial you say something as idiotic as this
Imagine being so remedial you say something as idiotic as this
another one
my classes are bullying me enough u don't gotta join in
another one
my classes are bullying me enough u don't gotta join in
Damn bro, your college algebra too hard for you?
I'm doing fine in my classes and making hella bank off mfs that are too lazy to do their homework
I dont got no friends though
I'll be ur friend if u do my s*** boo
its peak season out here time is of the essence
Got straight A's in 6 courses last semester that were all fully online. Online classes are piss easy for me
Had a dream/nightmare about this. Not even in school anymore lmao. Yikes fam hope you can do somethin about it.
That is my reoccurring nightmare and I graduated 4 years ago
Just started my first semester on zoom hahaha
It's hard that I don't get to meet new people too
Yep feel so disconnected from class literally have been carried by my niggas this whole semester I have to pick it up one more month