I think season 2 is the slowest season of the show. but with that being said, a lot of things definitely happened in those two seasons. it just didn’t resonate with you and that’s okay, but it’s not fair to say nothing happened
same with Breaking Bad for @op as well
Word, I feel you, I think that's what put me off starting season 3 too, Fair criticisms of a show is what I was trying to put across but I went overboard with the breakdown lol.
Oh no, a whole lot happened in breaking bad but your whole breakdown of sopranos aint it
I feel you
bro they were broken up when she slept with Ted. she told him she was done
this is probably my biggest pet peeve with BB fans. misogyny is a powerful d*** lmaoo
It was for the family 🤌🏻
It’s a good show but very overrated
Not in the top 15 let alone top 3
Smoking crack
El Camino was pretty mid tho, too fan servicey of a movie
Could of honestly been left out of the BB verse
The Wire is better though tbh
there’s the wire and breaking bad, and then everything else is way below
there’s the wire and breaking bad, and then everything else is way below
Breaking bad isn't even the same realm as the wire.
Breaking bad isn't even the same realm as the wire.
yeah it is lol, those two (and arguably the sopranos) are the definitive goat shows. whether which one is better is really debatable however
yeah it is lol, those two (and arguably the sopranos) are the definitive goat shows. whether which one is better is really debatable however
Its really hard to compare a show like The Wire which aims to be as realistic as possible with a show like Breaking Bad which is more stylized. This choice affects even the characterization so imo Its not really about which show is better, but which one you prefer.
Its really hard to compare a show like The Wire which aims to be as realistic as possible with a show like Breaking Bad which is more stylized. This choice affects even the characterization so imo Its not really about which show is better, but which one you prefer.
ive always said the wire is the greatest realistic show ever, while breaking bad is the greatest entertainment show ever. so yeah i agree completely
Its really hard to compare a show like The Wire which aims to be as realistic as possible with a show like Breaking Bad which is more stylized. This choice affects even the characterization so imo Its not really about which show is better, but which one you prefer.
yeah exactly
there are 10 shows someone can say is the best and id understand bc shows can be so different that theyre pretty much all goat but uncomparable
if anyone picked any of
twin peaks
breaking bad
better call saul
mr robot
(just to name a few i have seen)
id be like makes sense
cant really pick any of those over another
yeah exactly
there are 10 shows someone can say is the best and id understand bc shows can be so different that theyre pretty much all goat but uncomparable
if anyone picked any of
twin peaks
breaking bad
better call saul
mr robot
(just to name a few i have seen)
id be like makes sense
cant really pick any of those over another
Yup they're all great for different reasons. Actually makes me appreciate any show creator with a fully-realized vision about their show
yeah exactly
there are 10 shows someone can say is the best and id understand bc shows can be so different that theyre pretty much all goat but uncomparable
if anyone picked any of
twin peaks
breaking bad
better call saul
mr robot
(just to name a few i have seen)
id be like makes sense
cant really pick any of those over another
mr robot i agree