This show is the best thriller show ever
and Sopranos is on the same level. The scene where Tony passes out from seeing Uncle Ben rice is the funniest s\*\*\* ever
Mans was soo outta pocket with that s*** he said to Noah. I hated that punk tho, pretentious kid
Introducing Nazis as main villain and Lydia after Gus a mistake
i think that was to show how far gone and how bad it got with walt
even hank says it, he says something along the lines of how bad a person he was, working with neo nazis
i don’t think they were there for a purpose like “look how much of a king pin walt has become”
they were out there to show how bad it’s gotten due to his bad mistakes and he cockiness
as far as lydia goes, imo, it was necessary because there needed to be an explaination on how gus ran his operation. and honestly, it’s not that far fetched to think about people within huge corporations hiding behind the scenes doing things for d*** empires for extra money. i’m sure it happens in real life
all i can really say @op is finish the show before you make a final verdict. also don’t look up any spoilers
i think that was to show how far gone and how bad it got with walt
even hank says it, he says something along the lines of how bad a person he was, working with neo nazis
i don’t think they were there for a purpose like “look how much of a king pin walt has become”
they were out there to show how bad it’s gotten due to his bad mistakes and he cockiness
as far as lydia goes, imo, it was necessary because there needed to be an explaination on how gus ran his operation. and honestly, it’s not that far fetched to think about people within huge corporations hiding behind the scenes doing things for d*** empires for extra money. i’m sure it happens in real life
It was trash to me
it’s one of those super slow, artsy shots, d*** and crime talk stuff that film bros ejaculate over
you deadass have to be an idiot if you think bb is "super slow" and has "artsy shots"
you got a point op but ozark is def not better than bb
sopranos and mr robot are both way better than bb imo
REMINDER: overrated = a lot of people like this but i dont
... You've literally just posted the definition of what overrated is
If something has thousands if not millions of fans/likes and I don't like it what else is it to me other than overrated?
it’s one of those super slow, artsy shots, d*** and crime talk stuff that film bros ejaculate over
This isn't even remotely true
This isn't even remotely true
BB isn't artsy or slow
Maybe filmbros f*** with it but that doesn't make it any less good
... You've literally just posted the definition of what overrated is
If something has thousands if not millions of fans/likes and I don't like it what else is it to me other than overrated?
nah because overrated implies that the praise something gets is unjustified
Fr they just can’t make shows like BB any more… none of y’all have the attention span for character development anymore, you need your limited run of 8 episodes a season. Fair enough Sopranos is goated but BB is the pinnacle of TV.
Not even that, BB is the only show taking one of the most simple premises for a show and riding it out to perfection in every way. Feel bad for people who watch it now after the hype and have a false perception of what the show will be cause at its core its too basic compared to everything else on nowadays, which wont be enough for most people to stay engaged.
Mans was soo outta pocket with that s*** he said to Noah. I hated that punk tho, pretentious kid
yeah tony was wrong for that but i couldn’t stand that mf either
Its cause you watched sopranos before it so BB seemed mid compared to it
I never really messed wit BB either i cant lie. But its undeniably entertaining
... You've literally just posted the definition of what overrated is
If something has thousands if not millions of fans/likes and I don't like it what else is it to me other than overrated?
Something that aint for you
The Sopranos is better, but I don’t think anyone was disputing that. Breaking Bad is one of the few shows to end perfectly and that’s incredibly difficult, worthy of praise.
Ozark is the most overrated show in years
people who think it’s on par with BB expose themselves to missing the small nuances that truly separate good shows from great shows
there is definitely no world where Ozark > BB though
Ozark is quite literally just Netflix’s version of breaking bad