  • Jul 11, 2020

    As in not taken d****, passed out, had one night stands or did none of this regrettable wild s***.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    At some point I said I'm too old for this s***, but I still get flashbacks from them wild mushroom trips though

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    dont drink or do d****. Never have, never will. Not my thing.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    dont drink or do d****. Never have, never will. Not my thing.

    What's your story? How you never fell for peer pressure?

  • Jul 11, 2020
    3 replies
    dat guy

    At some point I said I'm too old for this s***, but I still get flashbacks from them wild mushroom trips though

    Why would you take that stuff

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Why would you take that stuff

    At a party.

    I ain't know what I was taking, thought it was some regular snack and the effects kicked in

  • Jul 11, 2020

    Why would you take that stuff

    It was some scary ass s*** though

  • Jul 11, 2020

    Why would you take that stuff

    Why u ask this like theyre the worst thing to take lmao

    I would encourage every single person who doesnt have a history of schizophrenia n stuff in family to try them at least once in their life, can give you a life changing perspective

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    At a party.

    I ain't know what I was taking, thought it was some regular snack and the effects kicked in

    Not knowing u take them now thats a big problem, s*** can go wrong in so many ways

  • Jul 11, 2020
    3 replies
    dat guy

    What's your story? How you never fell for peer pressure?

    never. I've never been a peer pressure type person, and all my friends and anyone I fw knows that.

    As far as why I don't get peer pressured, I don't like feeling or being manipulated at all. I like having full control and making my own choices. In my head just for me personally i'd feel like a f***ing lame loser if I got peer pressured (Not saying anyone who gets peer pressured is a lame loser, I understand why it happens, just standards I hold for myself)

    Also a pride thing. I'd lose a huge amount of respect for myself if someone convinced or pressured me to do something stupid or dumb. In my head no one holds any sort of power over me, nor do I hold any over someone else.

    As far as why I never ventured into d**** or alcohol, I've seen what it does to people. I've seen the terrors that s*** can cause, very close up. Very scary s***. I also don't like things that effect how I think or feel. I hate s*** like caffeine and all that. I prefer to have full control over my body and mind and be relaxed. To me that s*** is all toxins I don't want in my mind.

    one more reason is prob the way my mom raised me. I never wanted to disappoint her, and if I did any of that s*** I couldn't live with myself tbh. She immigrated here at 18 not knowing a lick of English and busted her ass. That s*** would be so disrespectful to her I couldn't live with myself.

    And I don't want anyone to take offense especially if you're a user. I'm not talking down on anyone nor do I look at anyone to a lesser degree. These are just standards and morals I strongly hold for myself

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't have a completely clean record when it comes to d**** but I haven't done anything in 5+ years. Never got blackout drunk either and every girl I've been with I've been with more than once.

  • Jul 11, 2020

    Not knowing u take them now thats a big problem, s*** can go wrong in so many ways

    I kept moving from country to country at the time.
    Got used to eating all sorts of s*** and f***ed up.

    But when it comes to d**** I've only taken that and speed, it course weed.

    Not sure about cocaine though. it's almost the same as speed

  • Jul 11, 2020
    2 replies
    madison beer guy

    I don't have a completely clean record when it comes to d**** but I haven't done anything in 5+ years. Never got blackout drunk either and every girl I've been with I've been with more than once.

    Since I got a job I left that s*** alone.
    It's corny to do from your 20s on tbh

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    never. I've never been a peer pressure type person, and all my friends and anyone I fw knows that.

    As far as why I don't get peer pressured, I don't like feeling or being manipulated at all. I like having full control and making my own choices. In my head just for me personally i'd feel like a f***ing lame loser if I got peer pressured (Not saying anyone who gets peer pressured is a lame loser, I understand why it happens, just standards I hold for myself)

    Also a pride thing. I'd lose a huge amount of respect for myself if someone convinced or pressured me to do something stupid or dumb. In my head no one holds any sort of power over me, nor do I hold any over someone else.

    As far as why I never ventured into d**** or alcohol, I've seen what it does to people. I've seen the terrors that s*** can cause, very close up. Very scary s***. I also don't like things that effect how I think or feel. I hate s*** like caffeine and all that. I prefer to have full control over my body and mind and be relaxed. To me that s*** is all toxins I don't want in my mind.

    one more reason is prob the way my mom raised me. I never wanted to disappoint her, and if I did any of that s*** I couldn't live with myself tbh. She immigrated here at 18 not knowing a lick of English and busted her ass. That s*** would be so disrespectful to her I couldn't live with myself.

    And I don't want anyone to take offense especially if you're a user. I'm not talking down on anyone nor do I look at anyone to a lesser degree. These are just standards and morals I strongly hold for myself

    When I was young it was about not being that one boring guy at the party tbh

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    Since I got a job I left that s*** alone.
    It's corny to do from your 20s on tbh

    I only ever did weed and hallucinogens. Legitimately never liked smoking, I didn't like how it made my throat feel. And then I swore off everything else after a very, very bad trip.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    I only ever did weed and hallucinogens. Legitimately never liked smoking, I didn't like how it made my throat feel. And then I swore off everything else after a very, very bad trip.

    Only thing I'd ever wanna experience again is mushrooms.

    Them trips are super interesting

    They should make a mushroom trip VR game already

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    Only thing I'd ever wanna experience again is mushrooms.

    Them trips are super interesting

    They should make a mushroom trip VR game already

    Ironically it was mushrooms that led me on that awful trip.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    madison beer guy

    Ironically it was mushrooms that led me on that awful trip.

    I had awful trips but I wanna go back out of curiosity.

    Whatever happens to me is random as f***.

    I was once looking in the mirror and my mouth started laughing by itself while my eyes were crying.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    When I was young it was about not being that one boring guy at the party tbh

    I found ways to entertain people without that sht tbh. I was on some class clown from 8th grade till I graduated, I just liked makin people laugh but not at my own expense.

    People would make jokes sayin I be actin like a dad with the no drinkin and s*** but it be light s*** nothing malicious. Most people understand and respect where I'm coming from tbh I've never felt uncool or lame because I didn't drink and no one ever tried to make me feel like that; but even if they did I honestly wouldn't give a rats ass lmfaooooo

    Like I said I take pride in being clean from that s***. I won't ever change that for anybody, and if they can't except that for whatever reason, they can take a hike lmfao.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    2 replies

    never. I've never been a peer pressure type person, and all my friends and anyone I fw knows that.

    As far as why I don't get peer pressured, I don't like feeling or being manipulated at all. I like having full control and making my own choices. In my head just for me personally i'd feel like a f***ing lame loser if I got peer pressured (Not saying anyone who gets peer pressured is a lame loser, I understand why it happens, just standards I hold for myself)

    Also a pride thing. I'd lose a huge amount of respect for myself if someone convinced or pressured me to do something stupid or dumb. In my head no one holds any sort of power over me, nor do I hold any over someone else.

    As far as why I never ventured into d**** or alcohol, I've seen what it does to people. I've seen the terrors that s*** can cause, very close up. Very scary s***. I also don't like things that effect how I think or feel. I hate s*** like caffeine and all that. I prefer to have full control over my body and mind and be relaxed. To me that s*** is all toxins I don't want in my mind.

    one more reason is prob the way my mom raised me. I never wanted to disappoint her, and if I did any of that s*** I couldn't live with myself tbh. She immigrated here at 18 not knowing a lick of English and busted her ass. That s*** would be so disrespectful to her I couldn't live with myself.

    And I don't want anyone to take offense especially if you're a user. I'm not talking down on anyone nor do I look at anyone to a lesser degree. These are just standards and morals I strongly hold for myself

    have you ever suffered from anxiety?

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    have you ever suffered from anxiety?

    hell yeah man

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I found ways to entertain people without that sht tbh. I was on some class clown from 8th grade till I graduated, I just liked makin people laugh but not at my own expense.

    People would make jokes sayin I be actin like a dad with the no drinkin and s*** but it be light s*** nothing malicious. Most people understand and respect where I'm coming from tbh I've never felt uncool or lame because I didn't drink and no one ever tried to make me feel like that; but even if they did I honestly wouldn't give a rats ass lmfaooooo

    Like I said I take pride in being clean from that s***. I won't ever change that for anybody, and if they can't except that for whatever reason, they can take a hike lmfao.

    Proud of you my guy

    At the end it didn't even matter to me, I just got promoted to Tech Lead from a Software engineer last week

    Now that I have responsibilities it's nice to have experienced being young and dumb in retrospect.

    Those are memories nobody can take away.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought you were talking about jail time and I was like

    But nah I've done all that s*** except a one night stand. I gotta know the girl better.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    2 replies

    have you ever suffered from anxiety?

    I'd call myself a worrier. I worry bout my family and maybe a slight tick of OCD tbh. Even if I get anxious, scared, etc. I always find ways to cope and keep myself happy.
    To sum it up; I usually get anxious from the fear of others being hurt or taking a wrong turn in life.

    I think part of dealing with anxiety, is finding out what makes you anxious tbh and finding ways to cope with that.

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    hell yeah man

    Yeah i could tell, i've been there in that control freak state and i still go there sometimes. I dont regret having any d****, they've defs helped with anxiety for me. And I dont have them frequently