I thought you were talking about jail time and I was like
But nah I've done all that s*** except a one night stand. I gotta know the girl better.
One night stands sound like a lot of work tbh.
I'd call myself a worrier. I worry bout my family and maybe a slight tick of OCD tbh. Even if I get anxious, scared, etc. I always find ways to cope and keep myself happy.
To sum it up; I usually get anxious from the fear of others being hurt or taking a wrong turn in life.
I think part of dealing with anxiety, is finding out what makes you anxious tbh and finding ways to cope with that.
You're a good ass person, society takes advantage of people like you so be aware.
Yeah i could tell, i've been there in that control freak state and i still go there sometimes. I dont regret having any d****, they've defs helped with anxiety for me. And I dont have them frequently
Another reason that I didn't state before is I will never allow myself to self medicate and use medication as a crutch. IMO I need to become stronger to figure out what the issues in my life are and battle through em. The world doesn't stop for me, and me medicating through d****, is only harming myself.
(Again not s***ting on anyone with a diff mindset I understand where anyone who self medicates is coming from, just ideals I hold myself to)
I'd call myself a worrier. I worry bout my family and maybe a slight tick of OCD tbh. Even if I get anxious, scared, etc. I always find ways to cope and keep myself happy.
To sum it up; I usually get anxious from the fear of others being hurt or taking a wrong turn in life.
I think part of dealing with anxiety, is finding out what makes you anxious tbh and finding ways to cope with that.
Yeah depending on where your anxiety stems from you kinda seem to have to combat it at the root. I'm pretty sure i've inherited mine from my parents combined with my self diagnosed adhd but I've made great progress over the years imo.
Proud of you my guy
At the end it didn't even matter to me, I just got promoted to Tech Lead from a Software engineer last week
Now that I have responsibilities it's nice to have experienced being young and dumb in retrospect.
Those are memories nobody can take away.
Thats awesome man. On the topic of memories, I cherish the innocence I had as a kid. I'm glad I didn't let it get blurred by drinking or d**** or anything like That. I even envy that innocence I had tbh. No real issues I had to deal with, no mental battles, just having fun as a kid.
Another reason that I didn't state before is I will never allow myself to self medicate and use medication as a crutch. IMO I need to become stronger to figure out what the issues in my life are and battle through em. The world doesn't stop for me, and me medicating through d****, is only harming myself.
(Again not s***ting on anyone with a diff mindset I understand where anyone who self medicates is coming from, just ideals I hold myself to)
I dont really use them to self medicate, I think thats risky business, but my experiences with weed and psychs has made me less scared of menial s***
You're a good ass person, society takes advantage of people like you so be aware.
appreciate that brother. I'm always watching over my shoulder trust me
Thats awesome man. On the topic of memories, I cherish the innocence I had as a kid. I'm glad I didn't let it get blurred by drinking or d**** or anything like That. I even envy that innocence I had tbh. No real issues I had to deal with, no mental battles, just having fun as a kid.
Them childhood memories are great.
Man if you and your lil homies had a bike
I dont really use them to self medicate, I think thats risky business, but my experiences with weed and psychs has made me less scared of menial s***
I see where you're coming from I don't even want to dabble in that area tbh because the off chance that I do lean on d**** drinking etc. I don't want to know what any of that s*** feels like. If I don't ever know that feeling, I'll never crave it. I've always kept this in my head.
Had the occasional drink. And by occasional, I can probably count on 1 hand how many times. And never done d**** either.
Yeah depending on where your anxiety stems from you kinda seem to have to combat it at the root. I'm pretty sure i've inherited mine from my parents combined with my self diagnosed adhd but I've made great progress over the years imo.
i've considered maybe I inherited things from fam, but everything always stems down to specefic traumatic events that I think jumpstarted my anxiety, and basically killed the innocence I had as a young kid. Really forced me to strengthen up. I haven't figured out everything, but who has in life tbh.
I always keep certain things close to me, that have always motivated me, and basically I guess became second nature at this point.
It's all a day by day thing man. Some days are great and amazing, some days i'm just really really on edge. I'm sure you know how it is. But the world won't stop moving for me so I power through those tough days, weeks etc.
d**** are cool I wouldn’t want to have a clean record
I wouldn't wanna be 70 and look back at my clean ass record ngl.
life without d**** and alcohol sounds boring af ngl
it's not man. I love life and being alive.
it's not man. I love life and being alive.
I respect that. Just meant for me personally, I’m sure for a lot it’s the best way to live.
I respect that. Just meant for me personally, I’m sure for a lot it’s the best way to live.
if i could do it over again i would try being straight edge. mostly cause i wonder how it feels mentally and physically
if i could do it over again i would try being straight edge. mostly cause i wonder how it feels mentally and physically
If you have self control its alright honestly
If you have self control its alright honestly
wait you completely clean boss?
edit: is bari's eyes even open