responsibilities and "having too much to lose" kicked in
good luck
never. I've never been a peer pressure type person, and all my friends and anyone I fw knows that.
As far as why I don't get peer pressured, I don't like feeling or being manipulated at all. I like having full control and making my own choices. In my head just for me personally i'd feel like a f***ing lame loser if I got peer pressured (Not saying anyone who gets peer pressured is a lame loser, I understand why it happens, just standards I hold for myself)
Also a pride thing. I'd lose a huge amount of respect for myself if someone convinced or pressured me to do something stupid or dumb. In my head no one holds any sort of power over me, nor do I hold any over someone else.
As far as why I never ventured into d**** or alcohol, I've seen what it does to people. I've seen the terrors that s*** can cause, very close up. Very scary s***. I also don't like things that effect how I think or feel. I hate s*** like caffeine and all that. I prefer to have full control over my body and mind and be relaxed. To me that s*** is all toxins I don't want in my mind.
one more reason is prob the way my mom raised me. I never wanted to disappoint her, and if I did any of that s*** I couldn't live with myself tbh. She immigrated here at 18 not knowing a lick of English and busted her ass. That s*** would be so disrespectful to her I couldn't live with myself.
And I don't want anyone to take offense especially if you're a user. I'm not talking down on anyone nor do I look at anyone to a lesser degree. These are just standards and morals I strongly hold for myself
Couldn’t have said It better myself. I damn near thought I wrote this post myself lol
I’ve never done d**** or drank alcohol and I never will. I feel like at a certain point if you need weed or alcohol to have fun your not even living life anymore, your living the d****
thought the title was talking about legally then I read op
I do all those things on a monthly basis
I want to try DMT, Joe rogan type s***, Hard to find where I live tho
Not a d***gy person at all but I want to know what the DMT will open on my mind
I’ve never done d**** or drank alcohol and I never will. I feel like at a certain point if you need weed or alcohol to have fun your not even living life anymore, your living the d****
I feel like at a certain point if you need weed or alcohol to have fun your not even living life anymore
Bro never had a full time job
I want to try DMT, Joe rogan type s***, Hard to find where I live tho
Not a d***gy person at all but I want to know what the DMT will open on my mind
Ngl Bill burr made him look like an idiot
Since I got a job I left that s*** alone.
It's corny to do from your 20s on tbh
20's is literally the only time it isn't weird or sad
Man one time we lost a friend after a heavy night of drinking, it was like some straight up Hangover movie type stuff, well almost, we found him a day later sleeping under a bridge
Since then I kinda turned it down a bit
20's is literally the only time it isn't weird or sad
F*** no, from 25 on is where you get your s*** together.
F*** no, from 25 on is where you get your s*** together.
No 21-28 is prime f***ery time