  • Jun 11
    Iron Lion Zion

    Even Samsung supports their AI services to their 3 year old phones. Why can't apple do the same.

    idk what those services are but they won't be running on device

    the 6 vs 8gb ram is probably a big factor when we're talking about 2gb AI models in ios 18

    if the choice is limiting features to the most capable phones or putting out a bunch of features that are barely usable you're gonna go with the first

  • Jun 11
    1 reply

    You know Elon only got big on privacy now that Tesla is getting f***ed by Chinese EVs. His only way out of that one is if western nations are gonna ban those because ‘spying’ concerns. Just like he only started caring bout this AI existential threat after OpenAI got successful without him.

    One big performance act

  • Jun 11

    You know Elon only got big on privacy now that Tesla is getting f***ed by Chinese EVs. His only way out of that one is if western nations are gonna ban those because ‘spying’ concerns. Just like he only started caring bout this AI existential threat after OpenAI got successful without him.

    One big performance act

    too much ketamine

  • Jun 11

    embarrassing tweet

  • rami

    granny look evil af wtf


  • j e s o m o

    !dream ahh images


  • Jun 11
  • Prez 💎
    Jun 11

    in summary: apple is still goated


    wild that it won't even be on the regular 15

    i'd be hot if i bought one

    iPhone 12 Pro niggaz like me that’s waiting for the 16 to come out finally won

  • Jun 11
    1 reply

    app store icon doesnt have a dark mode icon. pretty weird

  • Misfit

    He doesn’t even know what that means

  • Jun 11
    1 reply

    Feel like this event might potentially disappoint shareholders ´etc in the short term (but apple will come out good from this once overhyping of AI rn settles) but we'll see.

    Kinda hope not cuz I have a ton of aapl calls from $202.5 to $215 over the next three months lol

    I've been wondering if they were going to drop a beta today at all (like they traditionally do) given how really-fucking-beta this is likely going to be.
    Some Apple employees apparently feel the same

    As far as "/Apple Intelligence", unpopular opinion but v. good branding decision IMO. There's a reason they have (almost totally) avoided saying Artificial Intelligence/AI the past couple of years.

    Yeah the acronym is "AI", but there's no way they're going to confuse people by calling Apple Intelligence "AI" (and defeating the purpose of it in the first place).

    Closest parallel I can think of rn is Apple using the term Spatial Audio instead of Dolby Atmos. Spatial Audio isn't a common term - gives them more control over branding of this, doesn't carry all the baggage and expectations of "AI" (which is basically a meaningless buzzword at this point)

    And definitely a good move after that terrible f***ing ad.

    ATH today goddam

  • AI is a hype bubble but I think Apple should come out on top at the end of it. There's nobody that can make hardware and software work together like them

  • halleys comet

    app store icon doesnt have a dark mode icon. pretty weird

    Yeah, weird oversight that should be fixed by the second beta

  • Jun 11
    2 replies

    i wish they added more action button functionality

  • Jun 11
    1 reply
    halleys comet

    i wish they added more action button functionality

    Can’t you literally make it do anything in the system with Shortcuts?

  • Jun 11

    ATH today goddam

    kept half of my calls and


  • Jun 11
    halleys comet

    i wish they added more action button functionality

    what you want it to do


    Can’t you literally make it do anything in the system with Shortcuts?

    yeah I have it do a drop down menu, but still the muscle memory of just a double click or a press and press & hold and not having to look is still more efficient and easier than holding and having to look at the menu everytime

  • Seems like Google will eventually be phased out

  • they finally made a passwords app

  • garetare

    thi u


  • not the biggest fan of new photos app layout

  • this is actually goated