whens the next major update for these phones lol i was gonna upgrade from 15 pro max but idk
It is lmfao
my friend who was in a tragic accident and has to use assistive s*** has rly opened my eyes to how f***ed up and overpriced bs the industry around assistive technology s*** is
whens the next major update for these phones lol i was gonna upgrade from 15 pro max but idk
17 is rumored to be a big update
whens the next major update for these phones lol i was gonna upgrade from 15 pro max but idk
The groundbreaking new feature on the 2024 iPhone is a button
Glory to Tim Apple
they finally but the new chip in the standard phone
It’s naming differences for marketing
The one in the pro is gonna be called “18 pro”
If they raise the price more than 15% vs last year we’re heading to a recession q1 2025, if the price is the same as last year, Great Depression incoming
i've always wanted more system memory bandwidth