If they raise the price more than 15% vs last year we’re heading to a recession q1 2025, if the price is the same as last year, Great Depression incoming
Supposedly will be the same price as the 16
give us a camera that can use a flashlight and camera at the same time for lighting you f***ing idiiots
We're reaching insane levels of diminishing returns with smartphones. For casual use I think whatever phone anyone's bought in like 2018 could still cover all their needs.
This 5s still kicking
Nigga saying how fast it is
Nigga can it run ktt and twitter thats all I need to know
iphone gaming
Underwhelming ass announcements
tbf any headline-worthy updates are just software s*** they mostly announced 3 months ago
although they gotta be saving stuff for iPhone 16.
give us a camera that can use a flashlight and camera at the same time for lighting you f***ing idiiots
lol fr
Nigga saying how fast it is
Nigga can it run ktt and twitter thats all I need to know
iphone 16 pro comes with the new ktt2 app
lol fr
I do this so often for friends
I am black so not showing up in photos still in 2024 is criminal man
yaaaaay craig
Speak for yourself. Im delivering packages to Conan holligram rn on my iPhone