  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Look up stoned ape theory

    Op clearly knows about it if hes talking terrence mckenna


    My theory? Shrooms were sent on Earth, or arrived by themselves, to accelerate the evolution of life and consciousness

    damn you’re might be on to something my nigga

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Love McKenna. Such a wise and insightful person.

    I need to try shrooms again. The high I had from it last time was just so strange compared to what I expected

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    My theory? Shrooms were sent on Earth, or arrived by themselves, to accelerate the evolution of life and consciousness

    What “natural” event would have caused them to be launched into outer space in the first place? A huge meteor hitting a planet they inhabited and sending a piece off?

  • Dec 1, 2020

    Brought to you by the machine elves.

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I dunno but i grew some a few months and it was wild to watch. It's ridiculous how many different forms they have.

    I neglected to water them for a whole month and they still managed to grow

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I dunno but i grew some a few months and it was wild to watch. It's ridiculous how many different forms they have.

    I neglected to water them for a whole month and they still managed to grow

    What kind?

  • Dec 1, 2020

    What kind?

    Lion's Mane

  • Dec 1, 2020

    good read

  • Dec 1, 2020

    Op clearly knows about it if hes talking terrence mckenna

    True I skimmed op and didn't see

  • Mushrooms on the pizza

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    At least post the source you copied and pasted this s*** from lmao

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    don't they like grow on people's feets?

  • Dec 1, 2020

    Its a fungus

  • Dec 1, 2020

    Niggas off that 2cb itt nvm

  • Dec 1, 2020
  • Dec 1, 2020

    At least post the source you copied and pasted this s*** from lmao

  • Dec 1, 2020

    Octopus are said to be an alien species , as their evolution trajectory hits a wall out of nowhere and is untraceable

    Sorry this has nothing to do with anything but I guess it proves your theory is far from impossible

  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Mushrooms are a result of alien bioengineering and were scattered across a series of planets for testing purposes.

  • Dec 1, 2020

    don't they like grow on people's feets?

    they grow on s***. literally feces

  • Dec 1, 2020

    b**** we’re in outer space rn

  • Dec 1, 2020
    2 replies

    What “natural” event would have caused them to be launched into outer space in the first place? A huge meteor hitting a planet they inhabited and sending a piece off?

    They came on a meteor

    the Same one that made dinosaurs extinct

  • Dec 1, 2020

    They came on a meteor

    the Same one that made dinosaurs extinct


  • Dec 1, 2020
    1 reply

    They came on a meteor

    the Same one that made dinosaurs extinct

    Bruh thiss hit make sense.

    Think about how shrooms open up a whole nother reality and s***. That s*** really not from this planet