  • skrt

    Respect the mushroom bruh

    It's a journey not a trip

    Fr, I don't trip too often in fear of being condemned by the shroom gods. Feels like that's what happened last time, it was my third month of tripping in a row and I was just taking them for the visuals/enjoying music rather than growth or getting to know myself

  • nerdy

    Mushrooms are a result of alien bioengineering and were scattered across a series of planets for testing purposes.

  • Dec 2, 2020

    I am too old for this s*** and I am not even old...

  • Dec 2, 2020

    Also never again

  • Dec 2, 2020

    It isn’t a fruit or vegetable, it isn’t a fiber, and it certainly isn’t a protein. Then what is a mushroom?

    Other than the mouthwatering anticipation with which chefs and foragers harvest morels or golden chanterelles from the Gallatin Valley each year, or prized truffles from France or Italy, most of us don’t often give the mushroom the same attention as local beef, trout, or fresh produce.

    Classified as fungi, mushrooms are referred to as hidden kingdoms unto themselves. They have a symbiotic relationship with plants, animals, and other fungi, as well as a parasitic one.

    The study of mushrooms is called mycology, which differs from the disciplines of biology and botany. And while you may never think about the white buttons in the blue Styrofoam in the produce section, they just may be the most unique food you’ll ever eat.

    Most of us believe the round, colorful structure we see growing above ground to be the whole mushroom, when in fact that is merely the “fruit” of a much larger organism living underground made up of connected filaments called mycelium.

    Modern day scientists say that mushrooms are more closely related to animals than plants, the primary reasons being they “breathe” oxygen and “exhale” carbon dioxide like humans, rather than the reverse in the plant world. And mushrooms contain no chlorophyll.

    The late ethnobotanist Terence McKenna suggested that mushrooms are responsible for human intelligence as we know it. His theory hypothesized that mushroom spores possess all of the necessary requirements to travel on space currents. Furthermore, they could have settled in the brain matter of primitive humanoids and, following the lines of modern day hallucinogenic mushrooms, directly contributed to our modern day intelligence and self awareness.

    McKenna went on to theorize that mushrooms are the reason there is human life on earth.

    While this may seem like material from a science fiction novel, there is no avoiding the fact that mushrooms possess many traits that are unique to their kingdom alone.

    Fungi build cell walls out of chitin, the same material that makes up the hard outer shells of insects and other arthropods. These cell walls contain similar chemicals found in butterfly and beetle wings, as well as the plumage of some colorful birds, such as peacocks.

    Living spores have been found and collected in every level of earth’s atmosphere. Mushroom spores are electron-dense and can survive in the vacuum of space. Additionally, their outer layer is actually metallic and of a purple hue, which naturally allows the spore to deflect ultraviolet light. And as if all this wasn’t unique enough, the outer shell of the spore is the hardest organic compound to exist in nature.

    Who knows, maybe I’ll look to the stars the next time I enjoy a fresh, sautéed Crimini mushroom with a glass of Nebbiolo in hopes of seeing a mushroom-shaped constellation.

    Never trusted mushrooms they always seemed like they were up to something

  • Nessy 🦎
    Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I heard before trees were a thing the earth was covered in giant mushrooms

  • Dec 2, 2020

    no wonder why after my higher consciousness journey mushrooms became one of my staples.

  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Mushrooms are from s***

  • Dec 3, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Bruh thiss hit make sense.

    Think about how shrooms open up a whole nother reality and s***. That s*** really not from this planet

  • Dec 3, 2020

    Idk but s*** nigga u just halfway convince me

  • Dec 3, 2020
    1 reply

    delete this. o r ththey will find us

  • Dec 3, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    delete this. o r ththey will find us

    They rotating the satellites as we speak

  • ILLYE44

    They rotating the satellites as we speak

    ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎎⍜⎍⋏⎅ ⎍⌇

  • Dec 3, 2020

    Forbidden knowledge itt

    Somebody please keep checking OP’s last active time, every second counts

  • Dec 3, 2020

    The odds of you getting abducted by an ancient subterranean mushroom-alien civilization (hell-bent on keeping its secrets) are low.

    But never zero.

  • Dec 3, 2020


  • Dec 3, 2020


    Man tell mr i aint crazy. Ever since that convo this concept has been EVERYWHERE

  • Dec 3, 2020
    k dog 99

    Terrence McKenna one of the strangest dudes of all time. Super interesting to listen to tho.

    Ram Dass as well.

  • Dec 3, 2020

    Look up stoned ape theory

    Does that theory assume we’re descendants of apes that got high off shrooms?

    Because that’d be evolution, which is proven to be false lmaooo

  • Dec 3, 2020

    b**** we’re in outer space rn

    🤯 🤯🤯🤯🤯

  • Dec 3, 2020

    i aint read all this yet but mushrooms are fungi

  • Dec 3, 2020

    Living spores have been found and collected in every level of earth’s atmosphere. Mushroom spores are electron-dense and can survive in the vacuum of space. Additionally, their outer layer is actually metallic and of a purple hue, which naturally allows the spore to deflect ultraviolet light. And as if all this wasn’t unique enough, the outer shell of the spore is the hardest organic compound to exist in nature.


  • Dec 3, 2020

    I heard before trees were a thing the earth was covered in giant mushrooms

  • Dec 3, 2020

    Terence McKenna is cool af

  • Jan 31, 2021