Nah in this city hygenic men are basically eye candy to women of every age so either they look at the ground out of instinct, make eye contact, or look at you head to toe
but I can see in a bigger more dangerous city it would be like you say maybe
what city
Everyone has fears and everyone wants to be treated equally but deep down every one also wants to be treated special.
people want to be treated special by the right person…
insert flirting vs sexual harassment meme
this thread reminded me of the time I just went out to my car in the middle of the night & some lady I didn’t even notice at first nearly pissed her pants as I walked by her, had to ask her if she was alright
Yeah whenever I'm walking behind I'll make my presence known either by shuffling my feet or coughing. It's a legitimate concern for a lot of women
I see but I just do this in general.
ESPECIALLY in a city like nyc. Nothing more annoying than someone randomly popping up from behind you walking and no sound was made prior to them walking past you
I do remember when me and my friend (both of us r black, but probably would’ve happened since we’re both men anyways) were walking back to our bnb somewhat late at night in Spain and a woman was in front of us walking the same route. We were behind her for a few blocks maybe before she just started running, like she busted a full sprint away from us
We thought it was both funny and sad, like funny, in that it felt absurd in the moment, but sad in that we realized she probably has had a bad experience in the past that made her react that way
But yeah it was literally worst case scenario for guys who don’t like making people uncomfortable walking behind them on the street lol
see i’m not saying you gotta walk around thinking about everyone’s trauma but until you have conversations with women about the creeps/weirdo behaviors in men and how something you do could trigger that memory, it makes you more weary of making women comfortable
I usually get down on all fours and run like I’m a xenomorph in alien.
In all seriousness though I also do the same OP. If it’s night time I’ll either try and hang back or just cross the road. It’s the slightest of inconvenience to make someone feel safe.
I just walk how I walk. I walk faster than 99% of women so I'll pass them anyway
I'm not crossing the street or announcing my presence from 50 feet away and s***. I've walked by millions of people and never had someone get startled when I walked by them
fair bro, I walk wide around them too but I do this to everyone. Mfers walk too slow these days
I wouldn’t overthink it
Few things irritate me more than the person in front of me walking or driving too slow
In my country a few years ago, many young women were murdered in separate incidents. Femicide and gender based violence became a huge talking point. Social media blew up with women coming forward with their stories. Even a few guys from my high school were getting exposed
Since then I've become hyper aware about making women feel uncomfortable. I'm not going as far as avoiding them when I'm walking but it's made me extra precautious when pursuing women/dating. And I feel like it's actually turned them off
Like bro said in here, women don't want to be treated like fragile princesses. Just don't be a creep I guess
To make them comfortable I just get on my mobile phone and start speaking very loudly in Arabic so they know I'm a very busy man of god and not after them.
I don't bc I feel like most guys aren't easily startled by a guy just being in their vicinity, while girls are.
If I see a guy that's overly suspicious or seems out of it, I don't let him walk behind me though.
Yesterday I was at school and a maintenance guy ran up on my aggressively asking where the bathroom was. ngl I was kinda shook. I told him where it was and but I didn't lead him in bc I don't know this nigga to just turn my back to him.
For sure, just mindful of being in someone’s blind spot.. similar to driving
Nah in this city hygenic men are basically eye candy to women of every age so either they look at the ground out of instinct, make eye contact, or look at you head to toe
but I can see in a bigger more dangerous city it would be like you say maybe
What city is this
Don’t really care what other people got going on. I’m not a threat so I just keep it pushing, you be ight, her mans on the phone will calm her anxiety